Anyone refurbesd an AIO?

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30 Apr 2003
I had a Corsair H100i thrown in a bundle of old stuff I was after for just over a tenner, thought why not I've never actually used one before.

Obviously it's getting on, I've not run it yet but there is a bit of fluid 'rattle' when the top of the radiator is held up.

It's only going to be used on lab/mess about systems anyway which I've got spare coolers for, but I have seen people top them up or completely flush them - aside from that being against the entire point of an AIO :cry:

Anyone here done it? I am tempted :eek:
Yeah it's doable
But getting it full is a PITA

Even with AIO like for example swiftech
Those are designed to be expanded
And allow maintenance
But still getting all the air out isn't easy
Not done it in years
But there's video guides on YouTube for it
Hmmm wondering if you could fudge a brake bleed kit onto it to fill it
Not sure how you would attach it

There's 2 ways to do it
Well 2 I know
Doesn't mean can't be others

Easier way
Unscrew the cold plate
Hold pump head above the radiator
Shake radiator until any bubbles stop appearing
If feeling brave power the pump while keeping
The radiator and pump in same position
No more bubbles then top it up
Then replace the cold plate
This relies on gravity basically water goes down
Air comes up displaced by water
In my opinion anyway it may not be the perfect way to do it
But you're not really needing 100% perfection

Other way is trickier
As you need to remove a tube
Then reconnect it afterwards but again only my opinion
I have no scientific method to see which way would
Put the most coolant/less air in there
But this method involves putting the radiator in a basin/sink/etc of coolant
Powering the pump until no more bubbles
Shove your thumb over the end of the tube
Then reattach tube to radiator

Your brake bleed method quite possibly would
Work better than both
Assuming there's a way to attach and detach it
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