Anyone remember this sweet?

20 Oct 2002
London, UK
They're very similar in taste/chewiness/colour to Haribo's Maoam Stripes, but the individual sweets were longer and narrower (and roughly same thickness, like a couple mm max), and they came in bunches, in those red fishnet style nets, with a paper tag attached.

Used to get them as stocking fillers at christmas when I was younger but I haven't seen these sold anywhere... I am convinced they taste better than the Maoam's :)

Anyone know what I'm talking about, and if so where I can get some? :D

edit: i added a pic lol (label of sweet in pic likely wrong, but font is surprisingly similar, I think)

edit 2: FINALLY FOUND after 4 years of searching! (see end of thread)

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I hadn't but just looked now in the "chewy and soft" section which is what they'd fall under and couldn't see them.

I think they might have been called "fruit chews" or something like that
pez or something like that
I remember pez, those are hard brittle sweets, also very nice... but not what I'm thinking of no, however the design of logo and colour theme (even possibly the fonts) on the wrapping was very similar, except on the sweets i'm thinking of they were long thin and narrow:


It wasn't fruitella was it?
Nah, wasn't anywhere near as common as them :)

We're getting closer!!! :D
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