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Anyone sick of graphics card upgrades ?

I played it on my normal Tv through the Composite as i got my nephews one for christmas so we hooked it up to it when they came over for it, jaggy as hell it is, and you have just said what ive been saying, but everyone flamed me for it, that you do need an LCD/HDTV to go with the 360 so you don't notice the jaggies as much, and get a better picture quality, which you don't on a gfx card, as you have an option called AA with a little slider, so to get the 360 decent you need to spend £800 and upwards, not just £200 like a gfx card.

If you have a GT or whatever gfx card, you dont sit there and go "damn, ive got jaggies, gona have to go out and buy a proper Tv for £500+ upwards so i dont notce them so much", no you say "right ill just move me little AA slider a bit in me options, there we are sorted", no AA on a gfx card = free, 360 just to not notice Jaggies = £500 upwards.

Im not knocking the 360 as im getting a one, but im just going to use it on my normal Tv through the RGB SCART, if the odd game does look jaggie then so be it, but im not going to go out and spend over £500 just to not notice em so much.

Did you miss the big screenshot thread in the console games section, PGR3 plastered all over there, and its a jaggie mess, you can't tell me you can't see the jaggies there, id get my self to specsavers if i were you lot. :D

Anyway this threads about gfx card upgrades, not the 360 so best if we say no more. :)
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hey loadsa keep ya hair on mate! and just for a quick comparison a 24"HDTV is cheaper than a 24" LCD screen for that £500 GFX card! I know because i bought one!

No jaggies, nice and smooth, its like saying i bought a 7800GTX 512 to play 1024 X 768 , anyway as stated this is a GFX thread, and yea people are sick of GFX upgrades costing so much! play COD2 on a 24" LCD with a 6800Ultra and watch that chug away! or turn off the AA AF and see the jaggies!

sli 2 X 7800GTX 512's on a 24" LCD and your near to £2000 with nothing to plug it into yet! what great value wouldnt you say!
pc gaming is about making clans having team games and having more than 16 players on line, the day the consoles have all this is the day i will buy a console.
I only play multi player games on line because its fun, iam not into single player games but i do agree there isnt a lot of good games on the pc . console games are boring on-line.
Duke said:
I've had an X800 Pro (flashed to XTPE) for almost 2 years now, which has served me fine.
I also have an X800 Pro and I'm just wondering if you have the TIVO version, as I thought this was the only version where the BIOS flash actually worked?
I wouldn't want to attempt it if I wasn't sure that it would work, as if I was to mess up the BIOS flash then my card would be only fit for the dustbin!
If there was a chance that I could enable the 4 disabled pixel pipelines, I would be prepared to risk it though :eek:

Regarding the thread question of whether I'm fed up of graphic card upgrades, no I'm not as I bought my X800 Pro over 2 years ago so I am well overdue for an upgrade!
I think I will wait another year or so for the dust to settle as my next aim is to upgrade to a 64 bit PC.
personally some of these posts dont belong here.

this forum is made for people who like computers and computer technology. people who like performance of technology and testing out the hardware to its limits, finding new ways to gain extra performance from the hardware.

this forum is for people that should enjoy the release of the new hardware, how it works and how much every "next gen" hardware is a step forward. the last 10year has been so incredible regarding new computer technology, and its only going to get better. good computer technology is the future of humankind, whether it be personal or international.

if you want to get rid of your computers to play games on a console so be it, thats not a bad thing. but why stay on this forum?

yes its expensive to keep up, but nobody is asking anyone to keep up. nobody needs the latest hardware every year, but im here because i like computer technology, i want to learn and i do like to find out about whats around the corner.

this is just my opinion though... so yeh :p
lemonkettaz said:
this forum is made for people who like computers and computer technology.
I agree.
Although I have used consoles in the past (PS1 and PS2), I would never go back to them as the PC is so versatile compared to consoles whose primary use is to just play games.

Another thing that I like about the PC is that it's personal to you and you can have a PC to your preferred specs where as with a console, you are stuck with the hardware on offer until the next version comes out which could be some years away!
conundrum said:
PC is a dying format relative to consoles

I don't think so.How many xbox 360's will we see in the local paper just like the mega drive,play station etc..

Once all the fuss is over and you can get them anywhere.
They won't be able to give them away.

Dont get me wrong they are a nice console but I like my PC and will use it for gaming along with video editing,music,DVD,and evrything else i can throw at it.

I played COD2 in a shop the other day on an xbox and wondered what all the fuss was about.

FPS dont work with a controller.I know they are bringing out a keyboard and mouse but i cant see myself sitting in front of my 42 " HDTV playing a FPS in my living room.It just wouldn't be as involving sitting at my desk with my monitor and my 5.1 headphones somehow.

I think people are missing the point of gfx card upgrading.You sell your old gfx card on when you upgrade.

So it doesnt cost 300 quid a time to upgrade your gfx.

I bought my 9800 pro for £150 had it six months and sold it for £100 then but this towards a new card.

50 quid for an xbox game is laughable buy 4 of them and its cost you 200 quid already.
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easyrider said:
I think people are missing the point of gfx card upgrading.You sell your old gfx card on when you upgrade.
That's exactly what I do.
It doesn't work out so expensive then.

I actually look forward to the new technologies on offer like PCI Express, SATA, dual core processors, etc and in my mind it is something to look forward to.
Seems like most people commenting on this thread are pure games players? I am an "ethusiast."

I enjoy choosing, building and customising a nice new computer to the spec that is just right for me and my budget.

I dont simply want to play games, a decent PC can do thousands of things an xbox couldnt.

What do you all think we do with our pc's when they start to show signs of age? euthanasia? do we throw them in the bin? I reckon I could get at least half what i paid for my setup back in my pocket if i sold my system in over a years time... thats around 400 quid, so say i put another 400 quid into it and hey presto a new spec with all the bells and whistles!

Im only hoping the due to people moving onto xbox360's/ps3's the price of pc hardware can only come down no? maybe wishfull thinking ;)

I'm not swapping my PC for a console.. at the end of the day they will be one and the same thing anyway!

oh and whos that who says nfsmw looks/runs slow on the pc...? smooth as silk on mine :p
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i wouldnt consider me as a "gamer"

im like 70% enthusiast/20%gaming/10% something else. :p

im more into the new technology that is on its way, not into the latest games that are out. although i do play games.

if we were true gamers wed have consoles and stuff. although i suppose enthusiasts would like the xbox360 for what it has to offer, its just a gaming thing.

hmm.. so to describe me, id be a computer enthusiast. as i dont really go into detail when it comes to consoles.

i have no idea how to explain my thoughts... nevermind

but for all the people that think they are technology enthusiasts because they play xbox360 and know everything about it i think these people can only be called hardcore gamers. computer technolgy spreads from the house to space travel. there is a difference. i hope someone understands what im trying to say :p
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No more £400 graphics cards every six months for me thank you very much, Got a 360, intend on buying a Revo, and quite possibly a PS3 too.
0gami said:
No more £400 graphics cards every six months for me thank you very much, Got a 360, intend on buying a Revo, and quite possibly a PS3 too.

£400 console instead... and my £200 7800GT matchs a 360 for visual quality
Flanno said:
Was looking at the release schedule for upcoming games, and for me besides Rome Heart Of Empire, and that brilliant platformer Psychonauts out on the 10th Feb (which is already out in the US), there is literally nothing interesting I can see in the next few months, and certainly nothing that requires a next gen card. So unless you were planning to replay Quake4, HL2, Fear etc.. at even higher AA and/or Res settings on one of the new cards, I dont see ANY point to the next gen video cards at all, at least until games come out that will make use of it.

I guess this is the way it's always been with every new generation of cards - only 1 or 2 games come out that push it, if you are lucky enough not to be cpu limited. And the next gen cards will be the same, probably allowing you to play your current games at even higher res or aa settings. But I don't see the point. At some stage you have to be happy with a certain performance level, and spending massive money to replay the same game at higher res with higher visual settings or read about the game benches in some review just doesn't make sense.

If games development was in line with card releases then it would be a different story entirely, as we would have fancy new games to look forward to playing with our new cards. But right now I think we have got into a severe case of diminishing returns.

I personally think 360 oweners are in a good position. Their hardware is locked down, and they can get on with the business of enjoying games instead of benchmarks, and as with the last Xbox, as the developers get to grips with the console, they will squeeze more and more out of it. Just look how well Doom3 and Farcry turned out on the Xbox.

I am half considering just opting out of pc gaming altogether, and buying a 360 soon.

Anyone share my sentiments ?
yes im sick of the upgrade every six months fetish its insane ive just got myself an sli rig and from the looks of it that wont last out long :(
Raikiri said:
£400 console instead... and my £200 7800GT matchs a 360 for visual quality

Where are you going with 400 quid console ? It's 410 euro, which is 280 quid.

Anyway, I got a 360 and sold my rig below (see sig). From what I have seen with the first gen games, they easily match anything the PC has in visual quality, especially at 1920x1080. Just take a look at Kameo on the 360.
cant beat a pc.

a computer can be built around yourself. an xbox cant.

there is much more control in games with a pc, much more customising.

and the hardware beats the xbox, in 6month the xbox360 wont reach pc graphics hardware.
Now this is turning into a petty console vs pc thread.

Sure the pc is more flexible, but I decide on what platform to use based on what games are out, and right now the 360 games interest me more then what is due out on PC. Plus as I said already as the developers get to grips with the console hardware the games get better and better and are close to PC level without having to spend lots on hardware...Doom3 and FarCry on the original Xbox is an example.

My problem is my fault, as I have a compulsion to buy the latest video hardware unlike a lot more sensisble people on these forums. And then just spend all my time benching and obsessing about overclocking. By taking the decision to just use my 360 for gaming, and selling my PC (except for my Dell 2405FPW screen and Logitech speakers) and using what bits I had to put together a small micro atx system for browsing, I save myself a lot of grief financially and mentally :)
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