Anyone spent extended amounts of time in the extreme cold? Need clothing advise

Probably worth increasing the cover on your hire car.

From memory not all the roads are asphalt and the locals hoon along at speeds you wouldn't do in a hire car. When I went ~10 years ago the windscreen got smashed in the hire car.

I'm going for a week in January, tagging it onto a larger trip.
No need to repeat the good advice in here on clothing, but somthing regarding the photos... You're probably aware of it already, but did you know the strongly monochromatic light of the northern lights is great for producing annoying interference rings on your shots if you have a filter on the lens, so if like me you leave a uv on all the time, remember to remove it. At least check a few test shots anyway cos it might not happen. Otherwise you might end up like me after my first attempt shooting the northern lights and only notice when you get home you have rings in all your snaps!
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