Anyone tried the BenQ EX3501R

17 Jan 2007
Kent, UK
Hi, I'm still on the fence about upgrading from my BenQ 1440p 144Hz screen to an ultrawide. I got this because at the time I had an AMD gpu so the FreeSync was a big draw but due to a slightly annoying set or events I now find myself with an Nvidia 1070. With the prices of the new RTX cards I can't see myself getting another Nvidia card any time soon and I really don't like the idea of paying a huge premium for a GSync screen so I've looking at the various Freesync options. Of those the Benq EX3501R is one of the cheapest but I've not heard it mentioned much on here and neither PCMonitors or TFTCentral (my 2 trusted review sites) have reviewed it so I was wondering if anyone on here had any first hand experience of it? The reviews I have found of it all seem to be fairly positive and for the price it looks to be a decent option?


Thanks for that Loadsa, does look pretty nice. I think I'll keep an eye on prices see if any deals pop up for it, maybe something on Black Friday if I'm lucky.
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