anyone used nero 7

12 Jan 2006
i have just got this program and was gonna install it as an all in one burning solution to replace nero 6 which i was very happy with -but was reading some reviews by ppl and they said it was an awful piece of software

whats the opinions/verdict? - any comments much appreciated
el_brato said:
i have just got this program and was gonna install it as an all in one burning solution to replace nero 6 which i was very happy with -but was reading some reviews by ppl and they said it was an awful piece of software

whats the opinions/verdict? - any comments much appreciated

working fine here, I couldn't nero6 to work with XP64 but nero7 works great.

what do they mean by awful?

Runs like absolute carp for me nero7 seems to use loads more resources than 6 went straight back to 6 after i tried the trial of 7.
runs fine here allthough it would seem to depend on the spec of your PC

note I run xp64 so cannot comment on 32 bit
under 64 bit scout does not run
been a fan of nero since forever but nearly dumped it altogether after using nero 7.

really buggy mp3 conversion, it makes bad cd's, all skippy / jumpy.

turned many cd's / dvd's into coasters. very fequent erros like 'unspecified recorder error, unable to perform end of disc at once'

if you google the message you will see a heck of a lot of ppl have the same problems with nero 7.

went back to nero 6, and everything is working fine without errors :)
Still on

If it ain't broke then don't fix it.

My version of nero 6 wasn't SP2 compatible so that is the only reason I changed. Its the one thing I love about Nero, they seem to be able to predict incompatibility :p
I've got nero 7 premium, works perfectly although i only really use it to encode and write dvd's from AVI format and to write data onto DVD's. Nero scout is a bit annoying but it can be turned off
doesnt seem to like my system at all if i try to run crashes but if i run express its fine

tried reinstalling but still get the same
nero 7 is ***** ive been using it seince day it came out and the other day nero burning rom just wouldnt load anymore so rather than try and get ***** to work i just went bac tp nero 6.6 on all my systems and they all seem to run just that little bit faster than when i had nero 7 on them

No swearing, read the rules.

P_A_N_I_C said:
really buggy mp3 conversion, it makes bad cd's, all skippy / jumpy.

Apparently, there is a bad dll that comes with 7 that causes this. And that if you copy the one over from 6, it fixes it (I haven't got 7, I'm still on 6). And I can't remember where I read this. It might even have been on these here forums. So if you do a search, it might show up. I'm not sure about the other problems you mentioned though...
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