anyone used nero 7

If you want to get rid of Nero Scout after installing Nero 7:

Paste the following into the Run dialog box:

regsvr32 /u "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\Lib\MediaLibraryNSE.dll"
(Chnage C: to whatever drive Nero is installed on)

Explore 'My Computer' and Scout has gone.
Dougsnake said:
Runs like absolute carp for me nero7 seems to use loads more resources than 6 went straight back to 6 after i tried the trial of 7.

Same here, hated it full stop, bloat city.

Nero 7 is just nasty.. the pointless scout (ok, you can disable but meh :p) and the extra resources made it a short-lived installation for me.
I got on fine with it to begin with, it looks a bit nicer than v6 and has a few tweaks here and there which make things a little easier.

But I've since found that it won't allow me to burn certain MP3s (seemingly picking them at random when trying to burn albums then telling me I need a plugin to add thse particular tracks) and the cds it does produce have skips in them.

It's up to you really, but I'd stick with v6.x if I were you.
Nero 7 Hang Ups

I found after istalling Nero 7 that my system was NEVER stable. Kept freezing after only a few minutes, and on occasion failing to boot up. I have removed 7 and went back to 6.6 and have no problems now.

It appears the problem may lie with Nero Scout which is forced upon you on instalation and runs completely in the background making a database of all your audio/visual files for inclusion in Nero Home.

I blamed everything from Windows (how rare is that?) to my Ram and On-board RAID, before I started to look at installed software.

Maybe its a glitch with my system, and it may work fine with you, but I would recomend sticking to 6.6.
Amen to that, spend all day removing hardware, changing drives, re-installing windows plus updates. Really P****d me of that it was something relatively so simple.
Update : Nero 7 Problems

Been bit hasty in blaimng Nero 7, it may have not been that Nero was causing the freeze ups. Re-isntalled clean and still got the hangs. Possibly prob on-Board RAID or Faulty Raid HD or PSU.

Still Nero 7, would be better if you could remove that apps you dont want.

Nero 6.6 still the best version.
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