Anyone using Wegovy?

30 Nov 2011
I disagree with your religious zealots level of belief into this diet.

Saying “I am still alive after 6 months of protein and no carbs” is like saying “I’m alive after 2 days of no water”. You are asking the wrong question. The question should be “what is the long term effect of cutting out X nutrients”.

Sure, cavemen lived with little to no carbs, but how long do they live overall? I bet it isn’t 90yrs old. (This is where you say they were killed by a boar or other diseases) By not eating grains you are lacking more than carbs, and no, I am not going to start popping pills to supplement. I like food.

You can be a complete zealots into your diet, I am not trying to tell you to eat bread. Why are you trying to tell me carbs are unnecessary? Which YOU ARE doing.

You accuse me of looking for an argument but look…you are the one looking for it instead and don’t even see it.
Yes you could actually Google all of those questions and get good (favourable) answers. I've responded to most of your queries with actual scientific data based studies, in response you post opinion pieces or obviously flawed data (e.g. not a keto diet results stated as being keto, 7% improvement being stated as no improvement)

To then classify my position as religiosity is pretty disingenuous. To me it looks like your the one religiously clinging to the idea that carbs are healthy, which makes sense as it's based on the teachings of the 7th day adventists.

I've conducted n=1 experiments with various diets and come to the conclusion that this diet is best for me. It's not just blind faith, it's test and data based results.

Carbs aren't even a nutrient, I haven't cut any nutrients if anything I'm eating the most nutrient dense food that exists (again already posted the research to back up that claim).
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20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
Yes you could actually Google all of those questions and get good (favourable) answers. I've responded to most of your queries with actual scientific data based studies, in response you post opinion pieces or obviously flawed data.

To then classify my position as religiosity is pretty disingenuous. To me it looks like your the one religiously clinging to the idea that carbs are healthy, which makes sense as it's based on the teachings of the 7th day adventists.

I've conducted n=1 experiments with various diets and come to the conclusion that this diet is best for me. It's not just blind faith, it's test and data based results.

You quoted a nutjob who denied the existence of HIV, I quoted Harvard.

Have a nice day.
30 Nov 2011
You quoted a nutjob who denied the existence of HIV, I quoted Harvard.

Have a nice day.

Here is what your link from harvard actually said;

Foods high in carbohydrates are an important part of a healthy diet. Carbohydrates provide the body with glucose.
  • The healthiest sources of carbohydrates—unprocessed or minimally processed whole grains, vegetables, fruits and beans—promote good health by delivering vitamins, minerals, fiber, and a host of important phytonutrients.
As I've already posted the link, it has since been discovered that grass fed beef is one of the best sources of phytonutrients, beef also contains all of the essential vitamins and minerals, fiber is also not essential to the human diet (even the claim that eating it provides the gut with butyrate is spurious as ketones break down to butyrate and your gut doesn't care if it comes from the digestive side or the blood supply side). Nutrients from beef are far more bioavailable than from plants - plants actually contain antinutrients that prevent you absorbing any where near the amount of those vitamins and minerals the plant contains. Some plants will even prevent you absorbing the nutrients from meat entirely;

beans and corn when consumed with oysters led to zero increase in blood zinc levels when consumed together - despite beans themselves supposedly being a good source of zinc

Like, these are actual facts, carbs are not required in the human diet, your body will produce glucose whenever it needs it.

I'm looking at my blood tests and after 8 months on this diet I have zero deficiencies, in fact all of my vit/mineral levels tested are better than when I was doing Mediterranean (which looks closest to the pics you posted of what you currently eat).

Your not even following your own advice; Harvard say NOT to eat processed grains but you're eating bread and white rice lol.

You keep saying "balanced", but harvard say over 75% of your calories should be from grains, fruits and vegetables (carbs and 50% alone being just grains and fruit e.g. sugar/glucose/fructose). They don't give a percentage for fat and just seem to say to limit fats.

That's why I'm so confused about your position because you say one thing, post links to something completely different and then say "ah but harvard" without even understanding the info in the link you posted.

You say you spend £30 a week on food and then post a single mealtime which consists of about £15-20 worth of food. (whole fish, prawn and tofu would be at least £10 worth without even adding the chicken and ribs also shown)
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25 Nov 2007
My friend did, this was back in 2012. I recall we went to a restaurant and have a very clear memory of her asking the waitress to swap the bread for something else.

I think I tried it for like a week....didn't like it. I went think thinking a diet of meat and cheese is great but I like flavour, I like sauces, I like to eat a combination of vegetables with meat, like I like a burger in a bun. I like I binned it after like a week. It is also expensive to eat Keto, I also can't eat too much dairy as my stomach can't handle it.

As for Carbs are not balanced, I never said eat only carbs, but carbs along with everything else.

As for "carbs serve no purpose"

Just google "Do we need Carbs" in google. First link is Harvard...,bodily%20functions%20and%20physical%20activity.

And the 1st sentence is "Quality matters" which no one is advocating eating a ton of junk.

And I also know full well with regards to "humans don't need it, we used to be hunters, farming came later, blah blah blah". I am not advocating getting all your calories from carbs...I said the word balance so many times I lost count now. You probably have this image that I eat nothing but carbs....That's the rice portion I have with the meal.

Tofu, fish, prawns, ribs, chicken, eggs, duck, mushrooms, a ton of greens with every meal.

I explained very quickly how a person would lose weight fast, while being healthy, while not worrying about Kcal intake or using the app you are using.

It might not be for you, but the issue is psychology, not biology.

IMO what you are doing 95% of people cannot do, because it requires too much effort and discipline. ( i mean 95% of those who are too fat)
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19 Nov 2021


I've started on Wegovy last week on Thursday. (0.25mg)
Starting weight 100.2KG..
Target 85KG.
1KG lost already as of this morning weigh.

I've noticed a lack of appetite and a complete "meh" approach to all the foods I liked to eat / drink. Very odd.

No side effects.

Anyone else on here using Wegovy? What has been your experience?
So to answer your question...
I started on Saturday. Concerned that the higher doses seem to be more expensive than the starting dose... w
Some side effects - I got the diarrhoea, and now feel a little "bloated" as though I can feel that the food is now moving slower through my system.
Appetite definitely decreased - I haven't felt hungry nearly as much in the last couple of days and I've also shrunk my portion sizes. No idea whether it's placebo or real, but either way works!
3 Jun 2012
So to answer your question...
I started on Saturday. Concerned that the higher doses seem to be more expensive than the starting dose... w
Some side effects - I got the diarrhoea, and now feel a little "bloated" as though I can feel that the food is now moving slower through my system.
Appetite definitely decreased - I haven't felt hungry nearly as much in the last couple of days and I've also shrunk my portion sizes. No idea whether it's placebo or real, but either way works!
Looking at Boots, it seems to be the same price each month no matter the dose?

I took my second dose last wed. I had my first bout of Vomiting and Liquid stools last night.
However, I had an absolutely massive meal for dinner... I've not eaten that much in 2 weeks. Clearly my body was not pleased....
19 Nov 2021
Looking at Boots, it seems to be the same price each month no matter the dose?

I took my second dose last wed. I had my first bout of Vomiting and Liquid stools last night.
However, I had an absolutely massive meal for dinner... I've not eaten that much in 2 weeks. Clearly my body was not pleased....
Nope, the 1.7 is 250 and the 2.4 is 299.

Not had any vomiting thank goodness.
19 Nov 2021
Oh wow... That's not what I was lead to think. Then again it didn't show me above 1.5mg
I best find a way to raise the extra cash lol
Maybe 1.5 will be enough - I know the maintenance dose is 2.4 though.
I'm still going to try to get the NHS to cover this, as I'm within their NICE guidelines, but I'll self fund until I get that right.
3 Jun 2012
I don't touch sugar or sugar by any other name. At times I fast for 2 days even 3, I only drink milk, water.and coffee. At times I consume 6 packs of crisps ready salted then I may not touch them for weeks.
I do not t really eat bread, If I do, I make sure it has min Ingredients. I don't by hovis etc for the amount of crap they put in.

I don't touch pork I only eat chicken, yes at times I buy a children's meal from MC D's.
I eat lentils, cannelloni and chickpeas with carrots, potatoes ,onion in a tomato stew.
I don't fry. I eat lots of fermented yoghurt.
At times I eat junk at times I eat super healthy.

I have a good lean body shape. Stay away from these drugs and learn to shrink your stomach naturally.
Milk is full of sugar
19 Nov 2021
Looking at Boots, it seems to be the same price each month no matter the dose?

I took my second dose last wed. I had my first bout of Vomiting and Liquid stools last night.
However, I had an absolutely massive meal for dinner... I've not eaten that much in 2 weeks. Clearly my body was not pleased....
A week in now (dose day saturday). Question for you - do you find your appetite returning towards the end of the week, and then dropping off again after your next dose? I ate more yesterday than I have since I started.
11 Sep 2009
France, Alsace
I lost 15kg eating pretty much steak, eggs and homemade curries.
I moved more.
Did HIIT for 30min 4-5 times a week.

I would eat steak, 3 eggs, mushrooms and potatoes as a massively repeated meal.
Greek yogurt and homemade granola for breakfast.
Lunches depended. Often a chicken and bean spicy salad or more eggs.
Homemade pizza was nice post workouts sometimes.
Homemade chicken curry with 4 poppadoms would also be nice.

All fresh and homemade. Limiting ******** food and additives. No fat free stuff as it's just replaced with sugar.

Starting to get back into the same at the moment as I stopped, started boozing again, stopped moving, started letting food get out of control routinely making poor choices and what happens? Weight is back on.

Haven't started back on the HIIT yet, I have an old shoulder tendon injury that still pains me, but going to give it a go next week and do what I can.

I started the year post holidays on 103.5kg.

I'm back at 100 now, with 3 weeks in thailand beering each day in the middle of that.

I've done 600km cycling this year so far. Aiming for a consistent 300km a month as a baseline moving as I don't move much with work.

It'll all come off easily with the above diet. Without doubt. I don't weigh it, I dont need that in my life. I'm not obsessing about it, I'm just doing things that I know long term will pay off

Reckon I'll be back to 85kg by summer
Man of Honour
26 Dec 2003
A week in now (dose day saturday). Question for you - do you find your appetite returning towards the end of the week, and then dropping off again after your next dose? I ate more yesterday than I have since I started.
The half life IIRC is actually closer to 5 than 7 days so it makes sense that you'll get a return in appetite towards your next dose.

Where people use compounded semaglutide a lot of people split their dose to twice a week to combat this but I don't think it's possible with the branded pens
3 Jun 2012
A week in now (dose day saturday). Question for you - do you find your appetite returning towards the end of the week, and then dropping off again after your next dose? I ate more yesterday than I have since I started.
100%. I was 2 days late with this weeks dose. I've been so hungry!
3 Jun 2012
My 4th week this week.
Since Friday night, I've caught norovirus. Originally I thought it was the Wegovy and my new blood pressure medication. However both my sons started throwing up too.

I'm still pretty much bed ridden now, getting up to poop and puke.

However, Friday morning I was 96.7kg.
I am now 92.1kg... so silver lining I guess. I've basically not eaten for three days. I have the Wegovy to thank for not needing to eat I think.

7.1kg till I'm at 85kg and my ideal weight.

Poppy weekend, but good weight loss haha

Next week I start on 0.5mg doses. And it cost me £179 for the next months doses.
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30 Jul 2005
I am just about to start my 6th course. Second at black maintenance dose of 2.4mg.

I started Mid November at 117kg. Today I am 100.6kg. Another 15kg minimum to go.

Drop was rapid at the start but slowed down. I generally eat lunch and not much else.

8 Sep 2005
Norrbotten, Sweden.

Everyone eating a vastly calorie deficit diet and losing weight is having their hunger supressed by the jabs and using some willpower to just not "snack" on garbage. "a bit of self control"

is this the basic moral of the story? The injection basically repels you from food by nausea. Is this a surprise?
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19 Nov 2021

Everyone eating a vastly calorie deficit diet and losing weight is having their hunger supressed by the jabs and using some willpower to just not "snack" on garbage. "a bit of self control"

is this the basic moral of the story? The injection basically repels you from food by nausea. Is this a surprise?
It does not repel you from food by nausea.
It suppresses cravings and hunger, slows down exit of food from stomach, etc. I have no nausea whatsoever, just much lower levels of hunger. If it works, don't knock it. Not everyone is a zen master of willpower and self-control.
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