Anyone wacthing CH5???

10 Mar 2004
I cannot belive what I'm seeing, its a program about Nazi rock its showing these idiots glorifing the whole nazi thing and trying to recruit young white people :mad:
these scumbags dont deserve to live I'd kill them all with my bare hands :mad:
Can someone please make a keyboard warrior themetune so we can play it when a response like this comes up again?
He's right though, they all need killing with fire. Stupidity like they're showing needs removing from the gene pool.
Just show them what happend in WW2, they will soon back down.

They think Hitler was a great person yet they forget that a 3rd of the world was against the nazi's.

They longer people keep going on about the Nazis the more we can say what happend and that we will never forget.

Tell them to come over to England on a friday night :/
i would bash them with my keyboard ... now im a true keyboard warrior .. there worst then chavs
Gotta love the nazi's though.. Great bunch of lads. Got a lot worse when lionel richie left to do his solo stuff though. Not so much a fan after that.
didnt see it, but ill jump to the conclusion that they SUCK!

I saw it, but what was worse was the totally one sided psuedo debate about the programme and the whole race issue afterwards. It was the usual group of lefties and religious nutters. They even had a member of the Muslim Council of Britain who openly lied on TV by saying that every muslim in this country has sufferd from racial abuse, which is strange because Muslim isn't a race and besides that he was clearly talking rubbish. The other fool they had on was a LibDem Lord who openly proclaimed the passing of the religious incitement laws as a breakthrough yet, as we all know, they were defeated in the Commons after the Lord's themselves returned it. :rolleyes:

What right is it of anyone to tell someone else what music they listen to or make, if the lyrics break the law then prosecute the band members, if they are within the law then there is nothing anyone can do about it. What is more evil, crap music by a bunch of idiots or people who try and get laws changed because someones viewpoint differs from theirs.
That is what upsets me.

As for the music, even if it is crap (which it is), if it is used to raise money for the BNP, so what, Blair and his bunch accept money from pornographers. :mad:
Freak_boy said:
freedom of speech, what are you all complaining about? they have a right to do whatever they want!
I here you and of course these filth are entiltled to their opinion, however what there saying about creating a 'master race' really gets me, there is no diffrence whatsoever between whites, blacks, asians etc however they seem to belive that white people are better and they should rule the world :mad: this is simply not true and very very ignorant
Freak_boy said:
freedom of speech, what are you all complaining about? they have a right to do whatever they want!
They have as little right to do what they're doing as the muslims who were protesting about a couple of cartoons.

But I truly hope you're aware of that and you were trying to be sarcastic.

AJUK said:
As for the music, even if it is crap (which it is), if it is used to raise money for the BNP, so what, Blair and his bunch accept money from pornographers. :mad:
1. What does that have to do with anything?
2. I seriously hope you're not comparing 'pornographers' with nazis and fascist extremists.
Send over the internet GEEKS to give them a right good seeing too.
what your talking of reminds me of american history X, I would'nt want to mess with half the guys that have swastikas tattoo'd across there foreheads in that film.
Gilly said:
1. What does that have to do with anything?
2. I seriously hope you're not comparing 'pornographers' with nazis and fascist extremists.
The documentary was about music and the proceeds from sales and gigs being used to fund the BNP. That seems highly relevant to me. :confused:

As long as the funding bodies stay within the law it is up to them if they wish to use the money to fund a political party. Labour accepted money from dubious sources that are morally unacceptable to many people, as do all political parties, I didn't make any other comparison than that.
I watched the first program and was drawn to it in one of those I cant believe what I am watching sort of disgusts. A sort of morbid fascination if you will.

I can not for one second understand any of what goes on in these peoples heads. I cant abide by white supremacy, religious supremacy, black supremacy or any other supremacy for that reason.

I'm sorry but disliking, hating or actively preaching violence against someone because they are a different race or religion and no other founding is wrong and should not be tolerated for one second in a western nation.

Yes there is freedom of speech but it should be curtailed when that freedom is abused to deliver hate speech.

I watched enough of the debate after that program to know it was a farce. The only conclusion I drew from it was the BNP really do not understand they are racist and prejudiced, If by any chance they got into power in my area or of the country I would be moving (and I am white and British).
AJUK said:
The documentary was about music and the proceeds from sales and gigs being used to fund the BNP. That seems highly relevant to me. :confused:
I was talking about your point about the pornography, not your point about the music.

AJUK said:
As long as the funding bodies stay within the law it is up to them if they wish to use the money to fund a political party. Labour accepted money from dubious sources that are morally unacceptable to many people, as do all political parties, I didn't make any other comparison than that.
So you are comparing the nazis and the pornographers.

Worst part was the 13 year old girls, now that was just wrong! Are they really old enough to hold such strong views? Or have they been brainwashed like the rest...
Gilly said:
I was talking about your point about the pornography, not your point about the music.

So you are comparing the nazis and the pornographers.

Don't put words in my mouth, you know exactly what I mean and it is clear from my post. Political parties receive funding from many different sources, some whiter than white (pardon the pun :o ), others not so. As I have stated twice, as long as the musicians stay within the law, where the proceeds go is nobody's business but theirs. Move outside the law, a decision we are not really qualified to make, then the funding becomes a problem.
Wryel said:
Worst part was the 13 year old girls, now that was just wrong! Are they really old enough to hold such strong views? Or have they been brainwashed like the rest...
No child can have a fully rounded opinion in such things. Its why religious schools and children that are religious are such bad things to see.

AJUK said:
Don't put words in my mouth, you know exactly what I mean and it is clear from my post. Political parties receive funding from many different sources, some whiter than white (pardon the pun :o ), others not so. As I have stated twice, as long as the musicians stay within the law, where the proceeds go is nobody's business but theirs. Move outside the law, a decision we are not really qualified to make, then the funding becomes a problem.
I'm not putting words into your mouth. I asked you a question on a statement you had made and you quantified it by saying something that wasn't contrary to the accusation levelled at you. Thats normally an acceptance of the original accusation.

Are you comparing the two? Yes, you are. You are saying that for some people people who make pornography are morally unacceptable and in saying so you are saying that this is in fact similar to your regard of the nazis and extreme right wing fanatics. Is this not correct? Because if thats not what you are saying you need to quantify your statements further.
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