Anyone work ‘call out’

27 Dec 2003
Any tradesman or utility workers here have to do call out and standby after work/overnight

If so im interested to know your works arrangements if called out

so for example if your called out at 11pm and return home at 1am when would you be expected in work the next day?

are you expected in 11 hours after you returned home?

Only want responses from people who do it please
I'm neither a tradesman or utility worker, but if I'm called out I'll be reasonable. I'll typically head in to the office no earlier than 10 hours after I finish but will inform those who need to know. This tends to be the company director and my employees (shift supers only).
Did it for years. The inability to do whatever I wanted on those weekends for a pittance of a return was depressing as hell, so I quit. I got paid four hours OT for every call out, so 6 hours pay unless Sundays or Bank Holidays, when it'd be 8 hours pay. Every hour after the four hours was additional. I got compensated for petrol, usually £10 per call out.

The next day's hours depended on the call out, the time, the duration and what time I got home, but usually I could turn up a few hours late with no problem.

It sucked ass and was a massive contributing factor towards me finding a new job.
Not sure but I think expectations will depend a bit on your role level i.e. management or non-management. Where I work if you are called out beyond your normal hours it will usually be added on to your next start time but I don't know what the legal side is.

EDIT: According to my colleague the 11 hours rest is a legal requirement except in certain exemptions such as some medical/hospital and other emergency roles.

Quick Google:

Sue Andrews, HR and business consultant at Kisbridging Loans adds, ‘In sectors where services are required to be delivered over a 24 hour period, shift patterns may not allow for an 11 hours break.

‘However, workers will then be entitled to a compensatory rest period instead. While these should ideally be taken as soon as possible after the break has been missed, the regulations suggest that an employer will have met their obligations so long as the worker receives on average at least 90 hours rest per week.’
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Don't work call out but won't start my following day till 12 hours after I get back from last call of previous day.
I do get left to my own little world though :)
Usual hours next day unfortunately
So if you're called out during the night and get home at 3am you're still expected to be in for work at 8 or 9am? I doubt that's even legal. And if it is, it shouldn't be, especially if your work is potentially dangerous or involves driving or heavy machinery.
Not sure on required rest periods with regards to the law..
We used to do night shifts but instead of 4 10 hourshifts we did 4x 8 hours on nights Monday to Thursday night then we would be back at work for a Friday afternoon shift 2-10

So finished 6 am Friday morning then back to work for a 2-10 shift!
Needless to say ,by the time you got home and showered got back up to have food it would end up with about 2 hours sleep tops.

On that basis I would avoid call outs like the plague,unless you had rest times in the contract that were allowing you to actually rest.

Although on the other hand if you work as a domestic tradesman(self employed) you can Rob people blind for a few hours work and do what you like afterwards.
Current standby is one week in four on a rota and we are technically allowed 11hrs downtime when we get home. It’s down to the employee really if they are too tired to go back out again.
Utilities. Emergency call out.
As I recall, we cannot return to work for 8 hours, but in practice it's done as CRP on an hour-for-hour basis and is taken at a time most convenient to the needs of the business, within a 24-hour period.
think we are being played for a fool then

Anything up until midnight you get nothing so due back in work on normal shift next day so 8am

anything after 12 you get the same amount of sleep time you are out past 12am

So lets say you finish work at 5pm but on call. Get called out at 10pm and return at 2AM you then get two hours sleep time so instead of 8am start you are in at 10am

However if you go out at 8pm and get back 11pm you get nothing and are back in work at 8am
I work call out one in 3. As said somewhere above your technically aloud 11h after getting home

i usually work that anytime im home before midnight i will usually be in at the normal half 7, anything after gets added on i.e finish at 1am ill be in at 8:30 etc etc, altho this is only if you feel up to it and no one will force you to come in. Many times ive got home earlish but the kids have been up all night so i Havent come in untill mid day etc.
I do "on-call" in the IT world. Get paid a standard rate per day, then minimum 4 hours if called out. If I was out until 2-3AM I wouldn't be rushing back into work in the morning.
Management would support us and trust that we wont take the pee.
think we are being played for a fool then
Anything up until midnight you get nothing so due back in work on normal shift next day so 8am
anything after 12 you get the same amount of sleep time you are out past 12am
So lets say you finish work at 5pm but on call. Get called out at 10pm and return at 2AM you then get two hours sleep time so instead of 8am start you are in at 10am
However if you go out at 8pm and get back 11pm you get nothing and are back in work at 8am
That's how our place does it.
Probably not breaking any laws, as the number of pedantic jobsworths we have who 'know their rights' would definitely have kicked off by now, not to mention the union lot who are ever-ready to pounce on the slightest slight against the workers...
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