Primarily after deals not a cheaper laptop, if you get me?
Vendors who are willing to throw in software for peanuts to get the sale kind of thing.
One high street store was doing Macbook+Office for short time, something along those lines.
the best time to ge these is just after they annouce a new model. Which was recently, but too loong ago fro there to be much on the website now. A quick looks show minimal choice. A few months ago after the new mono shell launch there were deals with ~£3,4,500 off the older models. MacBooks, MBP, Mac Pros etc ...
Something that still amazes me though is, even 3,4 year old macs still sell for hundreds of pounds.. Resale value on macs shouldn't be underestimated...
Having spent 2 hours fighting with my old imac tonight I might revise my plans!
Maybe it's a 'you need to get used to OSX thing' but faaaaar too much is hidden away and takes 10 mins to do the equivalent of a 30s job in Linux. Reminded me why I never use the damn thing. Hehe.
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