Apache 2.2 to 2.4 Upgrade

Remember you are not bound to your distro's packages. Apache is pretty easy to install from source. Adding PHP and it's modules is a little more tricky, but Apache httpd is pretty straight forward. The one you build from source will be significantly more lean and potentially faster too.
Never compiled anything from source before so not sure what is involved. Do you have any guides? Annoyingly we do not have 2.4 in our repo and the guides on the net don't seem to work any more
RHEL supports containers right? Apache 2.4 container, expose the container to /etc/httpd and /var/www (or similar) directories, and test it that way. Gives you a simpler roll back.
Copy the config over, run apachectl configtest, fix/google any errors it complains about
Yeah, I agree. Not worth overthinking it. Just bang it over the head with a hammer until it works. Otherwise, if you have the option / luxury, build a fresh server and migrate the applications instead. This way you can get everything working nice, before switching over.
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