APB anyone getting it

22 Oct 2004
Dont seem much interest on here, i just ordered my copy on steam, ill get to play it tomorrow. I think im gonna be a cop and make him look like vic off the shield:D
Played the Beta quite a lot... But i do not think i will be buying, it was just missing something... Can't pinpoint what it is though :/
Tempted by this but bought a ton of games already, that and I can't decide if I want one of the new 6 core AMD chips (for messing about with VMware mainly) or Track IR pro 5, Bluray player or a nice Logitech headset

maybe I should save for once! I'm always skint
I've heard its not too good myself from several people not happy with the beta at all so i don't think ill be grabbing it myself though it does look a tad interesting.
I've pretty much used up my early access 10 hours now, there is stuff missing at the moment but the potential is there, if they listen to what people want from it it could be great.

Be interesting to see if anything changes when it goes 100% live, the matchmaking is annoying at times but thats the notoriety/prestige system not working quite right.
I just didnt think it was worth paying a sub for to be honest. I just dont really get that mmo feeling from games that use instancing as much as this.
I saw it and was pretty intrested but not read any reviews til tonight... not looking good :(

Still, might get it just for the hell of it and try the first 50 hours or whatevers included, its pay day today and I want to treat myself lol
All PvP. You go against people in the other faction, e.g if you are a criminal you face off against Enforcers and vice versa.

You can only attack people actually selected to go against you unless you go over a certain notoriety/prestige.

If anyone wants to have a go as some sort of team work - TheMuffinMan, I'm a criminal atm.
I was in the beta since it pretty much started but it was always ruined by bad lag and glitches. I know that is what the beta is there to sort out, but nothing ever changed with each version which led me to fear the end product being the same.

There were times when you would be stood shooting someone in the face only to suddenly die for no reason. Also some of the missions which pitch you against another player are a great idea, but ruined when the other player doesnt show up. Means your just stood on one spot for 10 minutes doing nothing waiting for it to complete.

Nice idea, poorly executed.
Couldn't agree more. Game could have had potential.
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