Hey peeps, struggling to put up with the randoms in this game so please add me if you play evenings = Jez_PKS.
Ill skim the previous posts and add anyone else that has put their name down to be added. Also play BFV, sims and VR games.
Still struggling to get better at this game, pretty much game over as soon as I encounter another player lol. I'm not a bad player at cod games, maybe this game is just too different, also my first BR game.
Glad it's a free game and didn't cost my anything . I will keep on trying though.
Don't forget, this game is still super new.
You may be getting better, but so are everyone else. Don't be put off, playing the numbers game - you'll soon be getting more kills/wins as long as you keep improving. Watch some youtube videos of suggestions/tips, try to stick with doing certain things, like fighting from cover and healing regularly, short bursts, good recoil control, sliding where possible, etc etc..
I'm assuming this is to me, probably didn't cross my mind at the time, I just thought get screenshot n go, I hate cheaters! Bunch of ********
Thanks for getting back to me on this. Really helpful to know.
It's not common in terms of %, say around 5% of population will use a cheat, but when you look at hard numbers 5% of 50million players is 2.5million players who cheat which is basically an entire city of a well developed nation or an entire very small nation
And if you already have EA Access?