Apex Legends BR

Hey peeps, struggling to put up with the randoms in this game so please add me if you play evenings = Jez_PKS.

Ill skim the previous posts and add anyone else that has put their name down to be added. Also play BFV, sims and VR games.

I'm in same boat, started playing it more on console. PC randoms I end up with either just quit as soon as they are downed or end up with a split squad of me and a random with the other guy somewhere at the other side of the map.
Still struggling to get better at this game, pretty much game over as soon as I encounter another player lol. I'm not a bad player at cod games, maybe this game is just too different, also my first BR game.
Glad it's a free game and didn't cost my anything . I will keep on trying though.

Same. I do okay on CoD/BF/CS but this I can't hit nothing. I've played 30 hours and don't seem to be getting anywhere. In fact i've won more games using the xbox controller than I have on mnk. I used the controller as a last resort.
Don't forget, this game is still super new.
You may be getting better, but so are everyone else. Don't be put off, playing the numbers game - you'll soon be getting more kills/wins as long as you keep improving. Watch some youtube videos of suggestions/tips, try to stick with doing certain things, like fighting from cover and healing regularly, short bursts, good recoil control, sliding where possible, etc etc..

I got 2 wins this morning on PC and that was with pad. I've noticed when i'm aiming on PC using mnk I always seem to be aiming to one side of the person i'm trying to hit for some reason like i'm trying to predict the way they are going to move or something.
For anyone else that tries it, I was told by someone I was playing with last night that the battle pass thing is going cost 950 coins so might be worth holding onto them until they release the pass. It's only what one guy said though so I don't know if it's true or not.

I got 10 apex packs with mine.
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