
2 Aug 2004
London, UK.
Watched this last night along with my girlfriend, and a mate.

Whether the critics were hammering it or praising it, whatever review site I came across the whole thing seemed controversial and most reviewiers seem quite unsure what to think about the amount of violence. Infact the violence was harped on about so much in what I'd read I was expecting nothing less than an absolute bloodbath of oceanic proportions.

I didn't feel it was that bad at all. The violence does serve the story, it's probably a bit striking in places for some people, but certainly didn't leave me feeling disturbed, or very shocked. More, there is a sense of real danger with these scenes, which seemed to jolt me occasionally. To put it another way, the parts which made me jump back in my premium-head-rest-included chair really weren't bloody but involved old, uncivilised and brutal traits of humanity. Small details which make you wonder just how these people lived, how barbaric they could really be to each other when law and order is not in place.

I don't know how accurate the film is. I read somewhere they'd tried to use as much information as possible, I don't know if that's true, but I'd hope so. The film is really split into two parts. Firstly we're introduced to a really different way of living, and the reality of civilisations, and their dependencies and beliefs in this time and place. The latter part is a 'chase', an action ride with some excellent scenes. Without giving anything away I just know the 'hero' was someone I felt earned the viewers respects, and I was totally willing him on to accomplish goals and deal with his problems.

As a director, Gibson does impress me. I really don't care about his personal habits when I'm watching a film he's directed - I'll judge it on the film itself. He screwed up lately but the amount of comments on review sites for his film going into this stuff is incredible. I see no point in persecuting a man continually on reviews when his films are what I'm interested in. I hate all that political garbage, all I know is the film was worth seeing.

All three of us were happy we'd seen it. Possibly my girlfriend and my mate thought it was better than I did. I'll be watching it again when it's on DVD undoubtedly, great fun.
kinetic747 said:
I'm still not sure whether to watch it at the cinema or wait until it comes out on DVD. Is the film sub-titled?

It's all in Yucatec Mayan, so i would have thought so. The film looks nicely shot, i'd say it's worth going to see at the cinema (i havent yet, but am planning to). :)
Some of the critics nitpick and can't acknowledge that Gibson had to merge 2 major civilisations and a long time period into the film. For example, the Mayans' sacrifice practices were not as widespread and brutal as the Aztecs' were.
Scam said:
It's all in Yucatec Mayan, so i would have thought so. The film looks nicely shot, i'd say it's worth going to see at the cinema (i havent yet, but am planning to). :)

Luckily, we learned that language at school so I'll be fine. ;) My wife has a dislike for sub-titled films although she did manage to watch City of God with me over Xmas. :cool:
I really enjoyed Apocalypto, and would recommend it to others. It isn't gratuitously violent, and isn't a dialogue-heavy film so subtitles shouldn't be offputting. The cinematography is quite something and it's films like these that will have me switching to HD at home.
thought the trailer looked a bit random, and could only really work out that some great civilisation was about to die... I'll go and see it out of curiosity, looks like theres some eye candy and action...
im going to watch this tomorrow. im glad its not too violent as that was one of the things i wanted to ask about as i just dislike excessive gore (especially if it doesnt have a point to it)

from what i read in the reviews they all seemed to think it was incredibly violent/gory

and yeah the trailer did look a bit all over the place...
A great film, much better than I'd expected and I hope it gets some kind of Oscar recognition, but after Mel's antics, I seriously doubt it.
n3crius said:
I don't know how accurate the film is. I read somewhere they'd tried to use as much information as possible, I don't know if that's true, but I'd hope so. The film is really split into two parts. Firstly we're introduced to a really different way of living, and the reality of civilisations, and their dependencies and beliefs in this time and place. The latter part is a 'chase', an action ride with some excellent scenes. Without giving anything away I just know the 'hero' was someone I felt earned the viewers respects, and I was totally willing him on to accomplish goals and deal with his problems.
I didn't go into it with any expectations of accuracy, I was just up for watching a good epic film. While I enjoyed it, I felt rather underwhelmed by the end. The film was far too simplistic and lacked any real substance; it was all over before you knew it and had the plot of a cheap action film. Being that it does, as you say, boil down to introduce hero, chase-scene, end. Yes, that's a plot that's worked fine since time began, but a film needs some substantial glue to really bring it above the bar.

I didn't find myself feeling anything for the victims of the film, nor really have any desire to see the hero succeed in his actions.
The moment with the old woman at the 'auction' was the only part I recall that made me feel something for the characters.
I appreciate the underlying allegory, but the film didn't develop it at all, and centred solely on the hero's personal goals. The chase scene was pretty good, but it seemed like they'd just sat down and watched Predator, rather than come up with any chase-in-a-jungle ideas themselves.

Visually, I did think it looked superb, the whole film flowed well and it was all believable - effects were subtle and set a nice environment for the action. Music was a touch cliched (chanting+drums), but sat well with what was happening onscreen.

On the gore. Not sure where these comments have come from. It was merely action-film violent - actually, the level of Braveheart would be about right. Moments maybe to wince at, but nothing there to turn your stomach. Depends on the viewer, as always. I find emotional brutality way more disturbing than physical.

A decent enough action film set in ancient times, worth seeing, but nothing spectacular and nothing to make me want to come back to it.
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dmpoole said:
Absolutely superb.
Its been a long time since I've seen a film thats had me on the edge of my seat.
I'll give this 11/10

/agreed :)

Great film!! Only saw it 2days ago, would have seen it sooner only the trailer looked pants.
Just watched this on DVD and thought it was thrilling. I really like Mel Gibson's style and he managed to portray the barbarism of this old civilisation to great effect. Watch it
It looks good, its gripping, looks authentic (how much i dunno, i am no historian of South American in the 1600's), but it is also forgettable, and not a film i will rewatch again (like the passion of the christ).
Raymond Lin said:
It looks good, its gripping, looks authentic (how much i dunno, i am no historian of South American in the 1600's), but it is also forgettable, and not a film i will rewatch again (like the passion of the christ).

I think it's very rewatchable. :)

Having seen this makes me want to see Passion of the Christ (haven't seen yet).

Tiz in my top 5 tbh, along with Memento, Donnie Darko, Oldboy & The Prestige. Crank is @ 6. :p
id just like to bump this and say ive just watched this on bluray.

Amazingly powerful film - mel gibson manages to portray the emotion and the events happening with next to no dialogue. Being a bluray title i was also interested in the sound and picture quality - both stunning. even if it is AVC and not vc-1 encoded, its pin sharp (though some motion blur is evident) and it's also recorded in 1.85:1 (how it SHOULD BE, none of that 2.4:1 crap).

absolutely stunning.

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