Apple booting Scott Forstall out...

Awesome move in my opinion... iOS has been lacking for a while now, and I've yet to see Ive make a bad move with regards to his hardware designs...

Hopefully we'll see some of his design excellence in the next major iOS update :D
Anything that mixes up the iOS design is fine by me.

I've gone to android recently despite being a pretty die hard Apple bod, just because... well honestly I'm bored of looking at iOS. I had an iPhone, iPhone 3GS, and an iPhone 4 and I'm just sick of looking at the same home screen!

I'm sure I'll go back to iOS next time, I think it's better than android (not by loads, but I do prefer it) and I miss the integration, but please make a few changes, keep people interested. They're really running a risk of losing people to boredom and that's a daft way to lose customers.

I want them to tempt me back, I really do.
Apple booting Scott Forstall out...

He always reminded me of Alan from Two and a half men. :D

I like iOS and it has come a hell of a long way since I first saw it and started using it. A lot of new features and changes but yes, the backbones of it and the 'look' is essentially the same, which I like - picking up any iDevice and start using it straight away regardless of software version.

Personally (only used other peoples samsung/android phones) I found android/google a bit clunky and for those moaning about the home screen for iPhone, the android home screen is also fundamentally the same across the model range. :)
Start of Apple's downfall?

Jony Ive turning his hand to interface design is the start of Apple's downfall ??

Apple's hardware design was always been leaps and bounds above that of its competitors. The thing apple was most criticised for was a software interface that stayed the same, and the restrictions put in place on apple customers and what they can and can't do with their devices, and the premium you pay for apple products

The latter two won't change any time soon, but you can bet that with Jony Ive heading up interface design, changes are a commin. It will likely address one of apple's 3 big criticisms.
I can understand Browett being booted out, quite why he was employed always puzzled me, Dixons was never renowned for customer service!


Bit shocked about Mr. Forstalls departure though, from the sounds of it he ruffled some feathers amongst the senior executive team and no one really liked the way he worked. Oh well in Ive we trust :o
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