Apple Earphones

19 Jan 2005
I boguht an iPod Touch from the MM here and its fine and all but I just got out my car and took it my pocket and the jack had snapped off the earphones! What a joke.

I had an ipod nano for 4 years with the same earphones and never had a problem with them and I was using them a lot more rigorously than I have these that I've had for about 3 weeks. Anyway, the ones I got originally with my nano also broke although not as bad but I went to the Apple site, input my serial number and they sent me refurbed earphones for free as long as I sent back my old ones, does anyone know if you can still do this? I cant find anything about it anywhere but I remember it not being the most obvious thing back then.

I apologise if this is against the rules, competitor and all but I dont really fancy forking out for new ones if I can get them for free.

Cheers, I saw that but it says my warranty is out of date, I thought you could do that whenever, if I get the serial number off my mates new iPod will that void it for him in the future or will he be able to do that whenever he likes?
Cheers, I saw that but it says my warranty is out of date, I thought you could do that whenever, if I get the serial number off my mates new iPod will that void it for him in the future or will he be able to do that whenever he likes?

like you said before as long as you sent the broken one back then it should be fine.
Free or not, they really suck. My set literally disintegrated on me, the soft rubber turned all putty like and I didn't have them in harsh conditions.
Its actually your own fault for leaving them plugged in, not that you nessisarly do the following but most people leave the jack plugged in after use and wrap the headphones around the ipod, this causes damage to the cable, jack and can cause them to disintergrate, break of inside the ipod or even damage the headphone jack of the ipod.

What people should do is disconnect them after each use by pulling gently at the base of the connector not the wire, then coil them lightly around your four fingers and place in your bag/pocket away from the ipod to avoid knocking and scratching.

To be honest none of this as far as I am aware is documented apple guidelines just common sense and experience from owning an iPod which never broke its headphones.
I have a very old nano and I wrap the headphones round it, put it in my bag and leave it there in a heap.

This is from someone who has owned an iPod which has never broken it's headphones.
Woolworths used to do some almost identical for 99p and they've lasted longer than any of the 10 or so iPod headphones my family have had between us. So, Apple are ripping you off if they want more than a quid for them, must cost them about 20p to make.
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