It will be a great laptop for productivity, video editing and such (on supported software, mind you, which is very limited due to ARM architecture), but I see no future here for Macgaming unfortunately.
Two major reasons for this:
1) Metal API.
There are two major APIs out there: DX12 and Vulkan.
They are both low-level API so they much better utilize hardware than the old and abandoned OpenGL and the not so abandoned but dying out DX11.
DX12 works only on Windows and it's proprietary., so it's not really an option for any OS other than Windows
Vulkan supports all major OS and is cross-platform. And it supports all major features of DX12 if not more.
Thanx to Vulkan Linux users can now use Steam Proton or Wine+dxvk and play 80+% of all native Windows games on Linux with little to no performance loss. And Valve is pushing hard for Linux (or rather Linux+Proton) support especially now with their Steam Deck.
Apple decided not to adopt Vulkan and invented their own proprietary API- Metal.
It's worth noting though that Metal was released several years earlier than Vulkan's first release. However, later on nothing prevented Apple from embracing Vulkan when it got much better than Metal especially after seeing what wonders it did for Linux gaming, but Apple just didn't..
Keeping going Metal route instead of Vulkan was a huge mistake.
I'll let myself quote one guy from Reddit:
Metal is missing much of the newer functionality available in Vulkan and DX12. Vulkan isnt the easiest to kick-off in but it's one of the best APIs out there for multicore + added Ray tracing support now. Now mind you MoltenVK doesn't support any of these RT extensions as you can't really translate BVH intersections from one api to another on the fly (it's an intense process anyways). So could Apple put some skin in the game and add vulkan support ? Maybe. Will they do it to kill off their own Metal? eff no. So unless they add hardware Ray tracing accelerators to their Silicon, there is no effin way software ray tracing will render 40-60 fps on M1, M2, whatever in the next few years.
2) They decided to make a drastic move and change architecture from x86 to ARM.
Metal API was issue enough but now ARM? Developers of console\PC games just don't want to bother with this. The tiny market of Macbook fans who can afford a $4-5k laptop and even tinier % of these people who wanna play AAA games on these $4-5k laptops just isn't worth the hassle..
Writing for Metal probably isn’t any more difficult than any other API.
It lacks features of DX12 and Vulkan used in games... It's not suitable for modern gaming industry.. And why should devs target Metal? It's not worth the hassle..At all.