APPLE Make Macs run windows

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16 Aug 2005
Apple makes Macs run Windows XP

The software walks users through the installation process
Apple has released software that lets users run Microsoft's operating system on its computers that use Intel chips.
Called Boot Camp the program lets Mac owners run both Apple's OSX and Microsft's Windows XP.


A trial version of the software is now available so users can install it. Future versions of Apple's OSX software will include the program.

The release follows efforts by hackers to get Windows XP booting up on Macs that use Intel chips.

Core war

Apple said it had no plans to sell or support Windows but added that many Mac owners have said they want to run the operating system on their Intel-using machine.

"We think Boot Camp makes the Mac even more appealing to Windows users considering making the switch," said Philip Schiller, Apple's senior vice president of worldwide product marketing in a statement.

Apple first announced a series of Mac machines that would use Intel chips in June 2005 and the first computers started shipping in January 2006.

When Boot Camp is run it takes users through a series of steps that shows them how to split their hard drive so the two operating systems can sit side-by-side.

It also shows how to make a boot disk to install the Windows XP operating system.

When a machine with the two operating systems is turned on, Boot Camp gives them the option to start either OSX or Windows XP.

Finished versions of Boot Camp will be available in the next version of OSX, called Leopard, that is due to be previewed in August.

Basic requirements for an Intel-based Mac that can run Windows XP are: OSX version 10.4.6 or later, latest firmware updates, 10GB of hard disk space, blank recordable CD or DVD and a single disc edition of Windows XP Home or Professional.

The release of Boot Camp comes only weeks after two hackers managed to get Windows XP running on an Intel-based Mac themselves. The pair won a $13,000 (£7,405) prize for their trouble.

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Is this an April Fools? Some of the wording they use on their site is quite funny:
Space maker. Meet the most elegant hard drive utility ever.

Macs use an ultra-modern industry standard technology called EFI to handle booting. Sadly, Windows XP, and even the upcoming Vista, are stuck in the 1980s with old-fashioned BIOS. But with Boot Camp, the Mac can operate smoothly in both centuries.
Conveniently they don't mention that Vista x64 supports EFI just fine.
What I don't understand is why anyone would want to do that. Macs are great especially with OS X on them but Windows will run much better on far cheaper PC's. It just doesn't make sense. :confused:
AJUK said:
What I don't understand is why anyone would want to do that. Macs are great especially with OS X on them but Windows will run much better on far cheaper PC's. It just doesn't make sense. :confused:

Would make a bit of sense if the person in question wants to run windows only games on a mac. Opens the market a bit more for apple with this i think :)
Interesting, suppose its just another string to the apple bow, and might sway some people who like the look of macs but still want windows. Ultimately another way to increase sales.

I'd be more interested in osx on a pc, but I think the chances of that happening are about as great as me seeing a pig flying past my window.
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