Apple refunds?

11 May 2007
What do you reckon my chances are for getting a refund on Lion (bought through the app store)? I've tried it for about a month but really can't get on with it so am putting Snow Leopard back on.
It's really not that much different to SL tbh so us sure how you're not gettin on with it?! Most of the enhancements can be disabled/returned to SL anyway.
Can't see hidden files, drivers don't work, don't like the colourless icons, hate the way I open text edit and old files pop up, Launchpad is useless, Mission Control is useless... tbh the only real reason I'm rolling back is the drivers thing, everything else I can live with and ignore. And even then I hadn't tried the drivers in SL, so it might not work... Hidden files thing is annoying though. Thought I'd lost my Xbox backup on an external drive.
Hidden files, in terminal

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
killall Finder


What drivers are you having issues with and some SL ones work with Lion, as for Mission Control, I find it is just a rearranged spaces. Launchpad - don't use it then, but I've gronw to like it as it like the folders in iOS.
Well I went down the route of a dual boot, kind of wished I hadn't...

I wasn't able to shrink the drive Lion sat on to make way for a separate partition for Snow Leopard. Tried everything imaginable but resorted to wiping the entire drive (managed to wipe it in a USB recovery boot) but then it still wouldn't partition. I'd previously made a Snow Leopard installer on USB as my Superdrive aint so super, booted from that, formatted, partitioned and installed Snow Leopard. Left a big gap for Lion, thought about using the recovery to install it again but that was going to take forever. Boot into SL, Carbon Copy Cloner my backup to Lion drive. Booted up in Lion. Remembered I had a few errors copying files to my backup so running Disk Drill now to try and recover those...

I've stuck with Lion as I haven't really had many issues with it. However, I would agree about Dashboard Mission Control and Launchpad. I've had Lion since day one and haven't found one use for these three apps to date, in fact I've removed all three from the Dock.
I upgraded to Lion mainly so I'm on the most up to date version of the OS, and also I wanted to use an app but the App Store forced me to use the latest OS :p But I was pretty disappointed in it really... - Haven't used Mission Control or Launchpad very much at all...
I've stuck with Lion as I haven't really had many issues with it. However, I would agree about Dashboard Mission Control and Launchpad. I've had Lion since day one and haven't found one use for these three apps to date, in fact I've removed all three from the Dock.

I'm surprised it let you do it!
I would stick with Lion and use an app called Lion Tweaks to turn off things you don't like.

When Mountain Lion is released in the summer, Snow Leopard will not receive any further updates. You will also start seeing apps that will require 10.7 or later. There are already quite a few of these apps on the Mac App Store and their numbers will only increase.
I only mentioned the Mac App store because that's where I install a lot of apps from, but the same will be true of apps distributed by third-parties developers too.
just put windows on it :p

I've not had any issues with Lion, but maybe I'm just lucky/haven't used it enough. Go back to SL if it bothers you that much. Good luck getting a refund though.
I don't ever use the App store.

I'm with you there, I've installed just a few free ones on my iPad e.g. BBC iPlayer, 4OD etc. but that's about it. The only one I've installed on my iMac is Air Video Server for use with ATV2, turns my iMac into a server. That's it though, no more apps as I have zero interest or use for them.
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