Apple tells Mac users: Get anti-virus

The news isn't necessarily bad, just a sign of the growing marketshare and increased usage of the platform. The Microsoft boys will laugh but it's becoming popular enough to warrant making viruses for.

As with Windows, with level-headed usage, picking up viruses and spyware is a difficult thing to do. Using anti-virus on both platforms may be advised to save hassle but it's not essential for running your computer securely in my opinion.
I'll never run an Anti-Virus on my Mac. I'm just too alpha.

Not if Apple bundle it into the software which I could see them doing far, far in the distant future when there might actually be a problem or issue with viruses on Macs.

Would probably work quite well with Software Update.
Does anyone use a Firewall also? I find "Little Snitch" pretty good...
Little Snitch is good, but it's only an outgoing firewall. That and the built in Leopard firewall (incoming) are a nice combo to fully control all connections.

I'd wager that most people who have a clue about what they're doing don't even use AV on their Windows PC - and have zero viruses. So this is a massive non issue to me.
Even if you did, you have to be a n00b or extremely unlucky (passive software vulnerability - same applies to every OS) to get a virus on Windows these days.
Is it 1st April. What a strange statement to make, I am still yet to be convinced of the need on a Mac platform. Perhaps the new iVirus software is in the pipeline from Cupertino. ;)
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