Apple tells Mac users: Get anti-virus

The news isn't necessarily bad, just a sign of the growing marketshare and increased usage of the platform. The Microsoft boys will laugh but it's becoming popular enough to warrant making viruses for.

There are plenty of Apple users that think that market share has nothing to do with how badly an os gets targeted for viruses.

Have you seen the mac vs pc bs on youtube? The virus thing seems to be 99% of mac users arguments about why to use a mac over a pc, along with the "it just works" steve jobs marketing BS that seems to get programmed into some users heads.
There are Microsoft users who think Vista was brilliant from launch day, it doesn't mean you can lump a load of people together.

A lot of people tend to use the no-virus argument for Mac and it's clear to see why, there are far fewer for obvious reasons.

But getting a virus on your computer, be it a Mac or Windows, is usually the result of downloading something dodgy and ultimately, user error. I guess in rare cases it could be considered bad luck.

Mac vs PC ads are tongue in cheek and arguments on YouTube thankfully don't represent my attitude or opinions towards the two platforms. I would say they represent the attitude of the fanboy from the sides of both Windows and Apple. And we all know what use fanboys are to anything...
If the problem is compromised websites it would seem to me that the more sensible course of action, rather than having to install an antivirus and scanning every file operation, would be to (temporarily) block the websites which have been compromised. Firefox does this already, and opendns, but not safari.
Even if you did, you have to be a n00b or extremely unlucky (passive software vulnerability - same applies to every OS) to get a virus on Windows these days.
Couldn't agree more. Haven't used an Anti-Virus on a PC for a long time.

@ Slogan.. I suppose it could be good if things change in the future, but I'd uninstall it anyway ;)
I guarantee the internets will explode the day the Mac gets a true root-compromising virus. Fanboys mostly.. but that's expected when some Mac users are so smug.

Trying to find that notorious Apple fanboy, but my google skills are limited today.
I guarantee the internets will explode the day the Mac gets a true root-compromising virus. Fanboys mostly.. but that's expected when some Mac users are so smug.

Trying to find that notorious Apple fanboy, but my google skills are limited today.

Whoever it is i probably found his replacement, go to youtube and type in "emeek77". Then go to his mac vs pc section, if theres ever anyone with too much time on his hands its this redneck.

He does good tutorials but his mac vs pc rants are normally pretty laughable considering 99% of them have been thrown back in his face yet he refuses to acknowledge this.
Oh no. Don't ever bring emeek into things. :D

The guy just doesn't know what he's on about and the cringeworthy videos make you want to eat your own bottom lip in embarrassment.
Oh no. Don't ever bring emeek into things. :D

The guy just doesn't know what he's on about and the cringeworthy videos make you want to eat your own bottom lip in embarrassment.

Indeed, the vast majority of his arguments revolve around the fact that he does nothing but try and put his opinions as fact. If any apple user says anything negative about apple theyre automatically a "mac poser" and are to be shunned by the rest of the sheep that actually believe his bs. He apparently owns stock in apple (musta cashed in a tractor to do this) so he's practically trying to act as a salesman.

Laughable thing is he bashes pc users about dloading mp3's but feels its quite allright to rent dvd's and rip them to his hard drive. I remember one of his videos where he was encouraging mac users that if (and i quote) "if you see a pc user on the street, beat them down, do it for me, do it for Steve". Apparently all pc and mac users have it tattoed onto their forheads what computer they use.

Then we had the mac underground video where... well listen for yourself

Someone sped this up and the voice was quite obviously emeeks, right down to the hillbilly\inbred redneck accent.

How can someone this stupid have people that actually believe his bs? Ive heard of people being sheep but christ, this guys (supposodly) 31 years old but seems to be semi retarded or just stuck in childish idiot mode.

Its laughable the amount of times he's been proved wrong but he still seems to have people that believe his every word. Usually if he gets a video response proving him wrong (which is a daily thing) he just ignores it and moves onto his next vid full of opinions.

Personally i watch his videos as i find it funny how he pronounces microsoft, usually sounds like maakrawwsawft. But for people to actually believe him, wow.
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