Apple to scan images for child abuse

  • Thread starter Thread starter LiE
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I thought that would be the case.

Where are all the people going to go if they think Apple are suddenly the big villain here? Get an android phone? Oh wait…

I believe it is law (certainly in the US) that any photos stored in the cloud have to be checked for CSAM.
OTOH, you come across as their #1 fan. Your whole argument seems to be, "Apple would never do anything bad. I trust them implicitly to do exactly what they said they'd do and nothing else!"

I have openly criticised Apple on this forum.

My entire “argue” is based on what is essentially the information we have to go off. Not conjecture.
You mean Apple's FAQ, where - oddly enough - they claim to not be doing anything wrong? I mean I'm not sure I'd just take them at their word.

I mean the technical doc, FAQ and all the related public statements Apple have made. That is what I’m basing my opinion on. I’m not as cynical as many here.
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