From every post i have seen from you, in here + in the apple section it seems to be you who has your opinion and that is that, you dont care/listen to anyone else, and you think they should think it too.
But im not a *****. So im more than happy to talk about it. My opinion on the whole apple vs android thing.
Finally, you've written something fairly well constructed! I will dignify you with a response.
Well built/Nice to look at phone.
Keep specs lower than they could so they can release things like the 4S.
Overprice there phones so they have that "must have" feel.
A limited app store (Altho of high quality)
A "dumbed" down OS to keep things simple, easy and harder for people to mess up.
"Force" you to upgrade if you want added OS stuff, and even apps.
Fair points. I wouldn't really call the app store limited. It doesn't provide apps like custom launchers, but that all ties in with the 'dumbed down' approach. To keep things simple, fast and efficient.
They aren't really overpriced either, they are on a contract, but SIM-free they are not.
Well built/Nice to look at, even the low cost phones look decent.
High specs even if not needed (How many people buy computer parts that they will hardly _if ever_ use to there full capacity) but with android you wont HAVE to upgrade for a long time if you dont want to.
Well priced, and even cheaper models that still work just as good as iPhones.
A 'messy' app store. Great apps just like the iPhone but you need to rummage around to get rid of the **** stuff.
An open and limitless OS where you can make your phone stand out, rarther than iOS's menu screen.
Well built and nice to look at is totally dependant on the phone, some are, some aren't, and even then, it's subjective.
Cheaper models that work just as well as iPhones? Well, that depends how you define 'just as well', and would be a fairly pointless and very long discussion.
While there are good apps, on the whole they are very much inferior to iOS apps. You can argue about it all you want but there is a big, big difference in app quality/availability.
Home screens and widgets are great, but many people don't care about them, nor are they that brilliant in my experience.
Now if you want to talk about each point then im more than happy to have a convo about it. But please no "Whatever apple is better at that, and the specs are good enough" Yes the specs are good enough NOW, but what about next year?
I think mobile phone hardware is starting to hit a bottle-neck now. The software is playing catch up. Quad-core next year? Quad-core, really? Excellent for e-peen, but I bet the real benefits are pretty limited.
The iPhone hardware is designed to work well for a reasonable amount of time (approx. 2-3 years), which it does. Apple are not a company that will use industry leading technology if they don't need to. It's pointless and a waste of money and time implementing it.
The iPhone 4S in this case, has more than enough power for nearly everything and I can't see it suddenly becoming slow for a long time, same with the Galaxy S II.
E.G i still have the 1st gen ipod touch (lulz) works great for me as i mainly use it as an MP3 player. Try to install APPS? NOPE need 4.0 for that (Well for anything half decent anyway)
Apple do plenty of silly things, nobody is going to debate that. Some of their marketing is cringe-worthy as well, but it works, so why change it.