Aquaman (DC)

That's some atrocious CGI work, script writing sounds corny and cliched, typical DC yet again

I don't understand how the animated movies they release are top quality yet their live action films are pathetically bad

I'll still watch it though

From the trailer it looks like it's straight from the comics story arc. Marvel did have something similar. Namor but think it's rights was packaged with (fantastic four). Therefore until Marvel/Disney buy Fox entertainment they can't use anything associated.

It looks probably the most fun movie out so hopefully they learn a thing or two from Marvel. Still no where near as good as what they have achieved but they have start somewhere. JLA rushed out was a huge mistake imo.
CGI looks a bit fishy to me. That main actor rings a bell but I just can't plaice his face. It looks like it has more sole than JL. I hope this doesn't flounder at the box office.

He played Khal Drogo in Games of Thrones and Conan - the Barbarian movie. Think he was in Stargate Atlantis for a wee bit as well.
Just out of the Cinema and finally a film from DC that for me ticks all the boxes. Packed full of gotcha moments with a great cast and entertaining story with bits from all sorts of movies. Some really cheesy parts but to be expected. Overall best DC cinematic universe movie imo by a mile.
I've never seen so many 10/10 scores in the user reviews of imdb and reading them they have the same feel as fake reviews on Amazon...

The reviews there are cringing. Aquaman was good and certainly the step in the right direction for DC but to make it out as the best film ever in this genre is crazy talk and undermines the positives imo.
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