Arcade console cabinet build - build log.

31 Jul 2012
Arcade console cabinet build log - Project Raptor

I figured this fits into the 'All matters relating to consoles and their games' bracket so I thought I'd post this here; it may give someone some ideas if nothing else. I'm logging it on a couple of other forums as well. If this is not the correct place, please move this thread as appropriate.

So I've already built a Vewlix arcade cabinet for XBOX fighting games ...


... and my son wanted me to build him a machine too. It will be modular in the sense that it will have a base unit and interchangeable control panels. The control panel section can be un-docked and moved out of the way when not in use.

A couple of really bad sketches of what the base unit and control panel profiles will look like:



I need to work on the design of a ‘shroud’ and marquee which will attach to the back of the display. I have some ideas in keeping with the overall design.

Internal Shelves:




Basic shape of the base assembled (bottom section will house a console, top section the PC components and speakers):


Monitor legs bolted on and the first top piece cut:


Interior of the base unit skinned (textured vinyl):


Exterior skinned:


Top pieces cut:


Shaped sides added and legs cut:


The legs will sit on some adjustable feet:


Legs not yet attached:


Top retaining section cut and shaped:



The white tube will act as a conduit to pass the cables through.


A new display will be purchased rather than using the current one.

Retaining piece painted and varnished:


T-molding applied to the lower aperture where the XBOX will sit:


Current state with the legs attached (sides are just primed at this point):




I'm currently working on this at the weekends only. Next activities will be to spray the side pieces, design/add some artwork to the sides and then start working on the control panel. Once I have the new display, I will work on the shroud to fit on the back of it which will hide the tubes.
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I had though about something like that but this will also have a control panel (arcade sticks etc) made for it. I wanted to have this match the Vewlix and my gaming desk in my games room. I'm also addicted to building stuff :)
Thanks for the comments people. I didn't think I had any skills until I took the plunge. The tool that's essential for this type of thing is a router. If you have access to one of those, give it a go!
Some more progress on this today if anyone's interested. Will be thinking about the control panel soon ...

Now comes the fiddly part, making the doors for the cabinet apertures.....

I didn't want to use pin hinges so I had to figure out another method. I had an idea to use some Ikea shelf support pins and use these as a 'swivel hinge' ... that's my term, there's probably a real one.

Made a mock-up to test the design.

The door/flap is made of 12mm MDF. The side pieces 18mm. This allows the flap to rotate relative to the side piece whilst providing clearance. Hopefully the pictures will make more sense ....

Ikea pins:


Hole drilled into the side of the flap:


Pin inserted into the hole:


Hinge in place (depth of hole in the side piece is slightly shallower to allow the flap to clear the side piece when opening/ closing):



The door/flap will have magnetic strip at the top to attract to another strip on the cabinet to ensure that it remains shut.

Making sure it opens!


Side pieces beveled:


Fit looks ok:


This side pieces will be screwed onto the left and right sides of the lower aperture.

Temporarily attached to the front:



Will concentrate on the mesh insert tomorrow.



Very fiddly to do with my meager skills.
Thanks. Good question re games. It's for anything stick based (shmups, arcade classics etc) and also pinball (PinballFX2 on XBOX until it comes out for the PC).

It's primarily being built for my son and it will also have a control panel section made for it. If you take a look at the second of the sketches, you will see the profile of the control module I have in mind. This is a sit-down rather than stand up panel - like the Vewlix. The top compartment will likely house a PC as some point.

It's in the hall at the moment as that's where all my projects tend to get built before being moved into my games room.
Thanks for the positive comments - I'm one lucky guy as my wife actually encourages me to build these things (providing I don't make too much mess). It was also agreed I could have the dining room for all my stuff as we always eat in the kitchen anyway - it'll be interesting to hear what people say when we come to sell the house.

If I had a CNC and was any good at 3D modelling, I would give making kits of these things a go.
Managed to get the wire mesh and the inset for the door sorted.




Completed the cover for the top section (double sided tape holding it in place atm):



That's it for the weekend. Thought these would take some time as they're the fiddliest parts (for now ;) )
Thanks people, enjoying building this.

Managed to find some time to fill, prime and apply the base coat to the doors.....



... and then completed the finish and fitted them to the front of the cab. The mesh is held in with hot glue. I need to tidy up the inside of the lower door a little. The photos are a bit rubbish unfortunately.




The next job will be to fit the magnetic strip I ordered to the top of the door and the cab.


A couple of better pics now there's some daylight around.


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Thanks BuZ. Hoping to get this part of it complete in the next couple of weeks and then I can start on the Control Panel.

Started on the marquee. I wanted something similar to the Golden Tee machine but a bit sleeker (less height) and chunkier at the back - I'm going to be paying particular attention to the profile of the machine due to the place it will be located (visible sideways through an open door). The width is 40cm and the height 10cm.

The Golden Tee has something a little too big I think.


I think the marquee will give a better balance to the cabinet and make it feel much more like a real machine.


I had a little mishap with the front frame of the I'm making - the MDF split (just a thin 'slice' at the top - didn't go through) and messed up the cuts. Nothing a bit of car body filler cant rectify though. You can see it on the right of the picture.


The marquee comes in 2 parts - the front frame and the back. The front will be finished in white and the back in black.

The back of the frame - recessed to allow for some acrylic and artwork:


Basic shape:



The display is ordered and should arrive next Monday .....

More progress on the marquee.

Rectified the mistake with some car body filler and applied some to the rough, routed edges:


2 coats of primer on the front and back pieces:



Cut the acrylic:



And designed the artwork (may tweak this a little):


I will be spraying the front piece white and the back black.
New display has arrived :)


Light and very slim with a nice thin bezel:


... compared to the current one:


Connections on the back:


Just have to wait until everyone's awake before I get the router out and start to make a mount for the thing.
Thanks mrbell1984. For the finish, time and patience mainly.

Thought about posting it in the project section but that seems to be for PC builds. I did post my modified gaming desk in there though.

Basic display mount has been made but still needs to be adjusted. Cables need to be fed through the white tube ....

Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated.

I can understand why it's a little confusing! I've build a few cabs before and wanted to do something different and original this time. The idea behind this is to build a modular cab and have it in keeping with the general style of the rest of builds. Effectively, it will be a sit down version of one of these ...


... where I can move the control panel section out of the way when needed. I also want to build multiple control panels for different types of games.

The cabinet will also house a PC in the top section.

The XBOX to the left of the unit (shown in the previous post) is actually dedicated to fighting games for the Viewlix cabinet - I'll be building a small, slim separate stand for this at some point soon. There's a second XBOX in the bottom of this cabinet.
May not look like much but I now have the display oriented correctly (it was leaning to the left slightly and was not completely vertical - I made another retaining piece to sort this out). All the cabling is now fed through the maintenance tube.

I need to stark working on the shroud at the back of the display soon ... I'm running behind my self imposed schedule atm.


Have also hooked this up to a PC now as well.
Started working on the cover/shroud for the rear of the display. Sides and 2 of the 3 panels cut and glued in place - these will need to be screwed together. This will hide all the tubes and cables. Hope to get the last panel completed tomorrow.




I didn't want a boxy shape due to where this will eventually be located - the profile will be visible through a door.
A mini disaster this morning .... when I started drilling the pilot holes, the main back panel fell off! Goes to show that the 6mm MDF and wood glue don't mix particularly well. The quality of this board is different to the regular 12mm and 18mm boards. Managed to rectify the situation though and get the holes drilled and the screws in. I still have a lot to do getting this shaped up, fitting snugly (the cuts are good though) and covered in vinyl. I have been sure to leave the cooling vents on the display unobstructed.


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