Arcade Fire - Neon Bible

5 Jun 2005
Just listening to there new album ‘Neon Bible’ – if you were a fan of there first album you will love this, it kind of has a churchy organ feel to it and oozes with a whole lot of passion, the songs flow really well, I can’t wait to see them live!

Any other Arcade Fire fans?
SherberT* said:
Oh yes, didn't know this was even in the pipeline!

it's great, i just got tickets of fleebay for there brixton show, i paid £30 each but that's not so bad, tout scums....
rdizzle said:
is the album out yet??
how did you hear it?

it's out on March 5th, i got an advanced preview last week, big brother knows so and so .... blah blah blah

i really love it though it has a great sound to it...
dav1d said:
Heard a lot of the songs from it last night by seeing them live at Porchester Hall - was amazing with only about 300 people and I was about 4 rows from the front :D

However the best bit had to be where they went straight from Power Out into Rebellion with Win jumping down into the crowd right in front of me. Two of their best songs merged into one - at the moment Funeral sounds better, but I haven't heard Neon Bible enough to decide and maybe they're not as polished with the live performances of it yet.

man that sounds cool! i wanted to go up as they had 50 tickets for sale during the day on the day, you had to come and register then collect at 6pm but i could not get the day off work :rolleyes: - sounds great though

roll on march!
They are one of the most individual and original bands I have seen for ages, they have no intention of making mega bucks or putting out crap, they just enjoy making music in there own way, can’t wait to see them next month

They have got bigger and deserve that, but no means are they massive
Vedder said:
I am going to a Brixton date. I saw them a couple of years ago at Birmingham as well, slightly bigger venue this time though.

sweet, i have dutch tickets set in place, and also wednesday Brixton, which i will prob sell and get some dutch ones and take the misses! - this guy from the AF forums offer me two at face value, so if i can get cheap flights then wey hey!
UKTopGun said:
I do like the album but much prefer Arcade Fire and Funeral still.

Adnd btw why is No Cars Go on the album considering that song was released in 2002? (About 30 seconds shorter too)

yeah i know what you mean, i have overkilled the first album so neon bible is fresh, i remeber having a copy of 'no cars go' glad they added it to the album though because it fits and needed a proper airing for new fans
S7yl3s said:
What is this music similar too?

that's just it, that's what makes them so good, in my view they don't sound similar to anyone, i guess that's why i like them so much, something very diffirent
Going to Cali said:
I got Funeral summer 06, I couldn't believe I hadn't heard them before. Neon Bible is simply superb, it's just a shame the touts had a field day on the tickets, why sell 8 at a time?

i picked my ticket up from the ebay for £30, which is not bad in this day an age, damn those touts!
SherberT* said:
Well it cost me £30 plus postage. Not selling for less.

well in that case i would list it on ebay, they will come down hard on you for selling above cost price, you will get £35 for it on ebay no probs mate

TommoUK said:
Just got back, it was awesome! There was quite a nice mix of old and new, although I would've liked to hear Wake Up and maybe In The Backseat, they played my favourite songs. Rebellion, Tunnels and Black Wave were all really good fun. I would've liked the gig to be a bit longer but they still belted out a number of songs.


Now here's hoping they make an appearance at Leeds fest!

i have listened to a few live sets of theres, again on forum site you can freely get live shows,

ps i'm hoping they get them at the IOW fest!
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