Arcade High Scores! Current Game: DONKEY KONG JR - COME ON IN!

Had a quick go and did very badly scored about 12k.

Is it best to just mash buttons?

The characters are not evenly balanced.
Kato is toilet.
Ty is ok.
Buzz is OP.

Use weapons and barrels.
Pick up power pills when you get a chance.
Spam the character special move.

Those basics should help you improve your score.
I used Buzz, 57,680 lost instantly to C.C Rider as I had one bit of health left lol

I used Buzz, I was surprised I made it that far as I lost a lot of health to the second fight, easily won the grudge match and managed to scrape by Angel using throws and weapons.
I'm not very good at Pit Fighter, only managed $11,970. I try grabbing in round one and just can't seem to get the hang of doing it consistently.

Also going to go back and try the games I missed. Managed 17,000 on Side Pocket which was fun! Probably going to go back to that one.

Also tried Strikers 1945 II, I love these types of games but do tend to find them fairly difficult.
I loved Rastan on the Master System! I've not had much experience with the arcade version but I'm looking forward to attempting some sort of score lol
70,500 Ugh that winged guy with the sword is doing my head in. He always seems to get me.
I guess this type of game isn't my best.
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70,500 Ugh that winged guy with the sword is doing my head in. He always seems to get me.
I guess this type of game isn't my best.
He's annoying. The fire sword makes dealing with the first one easier. I think doing a high jump (hold up/diagonal up whilst jumping) so you can hit him above the waist helps.
I've gotten to level 2 a few times now, but not got further than swinging over the fire, and not beaten my previous high score. It's a hard game this one, and I am struggling to improve.

It's different from Ghosts & Goblins, and Black Tiger in that respect: with those I can feel my skill improving, but this one just feels looser, so I can't zone in on how to get it right.
This week's choice goes to @Metalface Mark!


I've now freed myself from Steam and most modern store fronts, to concentrate more on other things and playing retro games. So this week I will be aiming for the top spot!
Getting in first 21,110. Super super low first score.

Coming from standard Galaga this is quite different. The enemies shoot on their first run into the screen which as I recall does not happen until a few levels in on normal Galaga.
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