Arcade High Scores! Current Game: DONKEY KONG JR - COME ON IN!

Excellent attempts guys! Some pretty competitive stuff at the top!



@cheesyboy you have two slots available for a game choice, as you didn't pick from the last game neither.

OP has been updated, including default DIP.

Good luck and happy gaming!
Annoyingly Juno first isnt on mister so i dont think ill be playing this one, cant really be bothered to setup mame to play it.
You could probably easily find a version ready to play in your browser using Google search. I think rules prevent me linking a playable browser version in the OP.
Added a new section to OP where I'll post up the top 3 finishers for each game.

I like Pacman, think I'm going to give it a go now. Couple of weeks back I even had my daughter trying it out, although she prefers Ms. Pacman.
I'm up to 30120 now. The third pattern is the most fun but each pattern is frustrating. Mess up by the smallest amount and it throws everything out the window and you're on your own.
So as you may know now, the new game is


I fell asleep earlier than expected, so I will update thread sometime this morning.
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can i make another suggestion - i think it should be game ends after one round - this is a game once you know where to hit the button on the hammer you can play for ever. I played this as a kid in an arcade and i got kicked off after 4 hours playing, either that or rather than normal the difficulty goes up (but theres a cap in it).

im suggesting this as a more fun way to play it as its unlike any of the other games we have had so far really in that after spending half an hour with the game you will all be playing just till boredom sets in rather than the high score. Hyper sports isnt like this, its much trickier.
100m 8.42 secs
long jump - 9.21m
javelin 92.10m
hurdles - 10.44 m
hammer - 91.5m
high jump - 2.40m

total score - 80780 for one round.

Trying to wrap my head around this. I admit, I've never played so not sure how this game even works. Are you suggesting we have 1 go at each event? I'll jump on soon and take a look at the game.

Is it possible to play an specific event? If so, we could post individual best scores and I just add them up? I had it in my mind that this game would run through all the events one after another and you get a final score.
So is it only the hammer where you can get infinite throws? I just tried the game and I can't qualify for javelin and failed after my 3 attempts, so I end up with an game over screen.
No the game just loops with the requirements to qualify going up each time. The suggestion is just to log your score after the high jump and call it there. Makes sense to me or it could go on for a while.
I think I understand now, I take it the High Jump is the final event? Then after that it goes back to the 100 Meter Dash but you now have to be even quicker?

Sounds like 1 would be a better option for this then.
New high score - 85190

updated new records

100m 8.42 (not new)
long jump (9.36 ) new
javelin 92.67 (new)
hurdles 10.39 (new)
hammer 95.41 (new)
high jump (2.37m (not new)

high jump, long jump and javelin all can be marginally improved, hammer, 100m and 110m hurdles id struggle to improve more on.
Are you on arcade stick or controller? Which button mashing method do you use?

Bit scared of mashing mine, don't want to break it! :cry:
Anyway stick arriving tomorrow so maybe that will work better for me. At least if I destroy buttons or stick they can easily be replaced.
Good excuse to get on fighting games! :p

I recently bought a Mayflash F500 Elite, since my previous stick developed an issue.

If you ever get an itch for using it more often, stick in some SANWA parts. I have SANWA joystick and buttons on mine. Today I'm going to do a slight mod to change the tension spring to be a little more firm and change my ball top to an bat top
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