Arcade High Scores! Current Game: PIT-FIGHTER - COME ON IN!

they are actually pretty easy with the three way green weapon you get at the start off that level on the left, i noticed watching a video the guy just bypasses the flamethrower to go for that.

What level did you get to ? 4-5?
Kind of thinking the stock weapon is best due to range. 3 way is good too, just not sure if its better.

Nope only part way through level 3. Playing on Mister and the slowdown is kinda nice ha.
Really dislike them tanks on L2! Only got to the boss once and got destroyed. First boss is pretty easy without using explosives. I'm currently sat at 83400. Deffo don't forget to pick up the medkit after blowing up all them tanks! I find myself low on health at this point.

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Metal Slug: I'm not clever enough to know if I'm playing the MVS or AES version.. are they the same? It defaults to level 4 difficulty: is that the right setting?

I don't know the difference between MVS / AES. I don't think that matters much, as it should still be same gameplay wise? My game defaults to LVL-4 as shown at bottom of my screenshot in spoiler. I also read this which has a picture of what I guess are default settings. For some reason there isn't actually a setting on mine to increase or decrease the difficulty, maybe that's an arcade thing.

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