Arcade High Scores! Current Game: Star Wars! - COME ON IN!

25 Sep 2012
I remember playing the Star Wars arcade machine a few years back and if I am remembering correctly, does it not control with a yoke?

I assume I won't be able to control it properly with a joystick?

Edit: just installed it and it works fine with the joystick. Just need to make sure the dip switches are ok.
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13 Jul 2009
Had to reset my scores and configuration. I normally have it set at 9 shields.

Anyway first attempt at a run through.


There are a few basic ways to boost scores.

1. Start at Wave 5, bonus is 800,000 and is more than you can achieve using normal means when starting at Wave 1.
2. Shoot all towers.
3. 'Use the Force'. Basically don't shoot anything from the start until the very end of the trench run, just before the exhaust port. Is worth quite a few points at higher levels.

I played this so much in the eighties.
Porthcawl Fair, Aberafan sea front when the fair came and Fun Land (an arcade off the back of a pub). Motorway services. Mumbles pier. Alton Towers. They even had one in a local Spar shop.
There were many little arcades back in those days and Star Wars was fairly popular.

Back in the day I could go at least an hour on this for a 10p, especially with it set to 9 shields and 2 or 3 bonus shields. My mates would go off and spend 10s of £s whilst I spent just the 10p.

The only thing was some machines had dodgy controllers. The potentiometers were prone to damage and were somewhat erratic.

My machine is an Arcade1up. The yoke is a bit poor if I'm honest. It has a tendency to be inconsistent in the centre of the screen and the spring return is quite heavy.
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