Archimedes MSD Desk Lian-LI

20 Oct 2004
Hi Guys,

I just saw the video for this desk from Lian-Li, anyone have any ideas how much these sell for. If you can get them in the UK, and also if Overclockers will be selling them?

Also does anyone know where i can get a good desk for my PC, Maximum price is probably around £500. (Hopefully this shouldnt be against the rules, as i dont think OCUK currently sell desks).

Thanks in advance.

PS. Check out that video, the desk is baaaad!!!!
:confused: LOL!!!

Forget that desk then!!!! But honestly it is brilliant, if i won the lottery or something!!!!

Any ideas on similar desks, at a more reasonable price???

Thanks man
Its £2500 with more money if you want anything bar the basic desk, they also do hifi racks, which I really want!

But there is nothing else quite like it, hence the amazing price on it.

Check out some catalogues and you may find something you like, there the best place to find desks you like the look of. Then you go online and find a store which stocks them for a lot cheaper :)
Surfed the net for ages last night, and didnt even come close to finding a desk half as decent as the lian li one.

Its starting to really bug me, to the point where i might even buy one.... So if anyone knows of anything comparable for significantly less money please let me know. I really DONT want to be the proud penniless owner of a £3000 desks.

MRS probably skin me alive too!!!!
There is a German company called Hoecker that makes things a la Lian-Li, but in Stainless Steel. Their website is delightfully un-PC and the stuff is not outrageously expensive (£1000 for the full desk).

I buy their stuff for some of my poultry factory customers. They will also custom build stuff if you can produce a half-decent diagram.
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