Are any other makes upto Thinkpad standards yet?

Thinkpads are in another class to most other laptops. Only apple comes close in my experience, but even then Thinkpads are still better. The keyboard on the Thinkpads is a step above any other laptop I have used.

For the OP you better off going to a 'laptop showroom' and just flexing, bending, pressing, lifting the display models and seeing which one you like the best. Betcha none will match the TP for feel.
my dads old IBM T42 **** all over its replacement, a Dell D620 with regards to build quality.
Stick with a TP, Had one for a few years and they are great, my mate has a xseries lenovo one and he is chuffed with it. If you are a looking for a sturdy well built laptop that has a cockroach like ability of with standing anything you do to it there's no beating them. Some of the other laptops are much prettier and do fancy things but I'd always choose a thinkpad.
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