Are there any games like World of Warcraft atm?

29 Aug 2012
Without stating the obvious and saying play wow.

I am looking for an mmorpg that has a player base and is not pay to win. I haven't found one since 2006 Warcraft days, guild wars was fun for me.

Is there any dark horses I can look into
ESO offers pretty much the same gameplay as WoW. Single, multi, raids, dungeons, questing, crafting, daily grind. It can also be had pretty cheap if you wait for a bundled sale and skip the most recent (expensive) content.
ESO offers pretty much the same gameplay as WoW. Single, multi, raids, dungeons, questing, crafting, daily grind. It can also be had pretty cheap if you wait for a bundled sale and skip the most recent (expensive) content.

i already have the base game but my head is a bit boggled with all the expansions

is wow classic a thing? i remember seeing something last year that there was a version of warcraft that went back to its roots
i already have the base game but my head is a bit boggled with all the expansions

is wow classic a thing? i remember seeing something last year that there was a version of warcraft that went back to its roots

Wow classic is indeed a thing an available now. It is really good. I burnt myself out though and haven't played it for a couple of months. I believe they're just about to release BWL.
i already have the base game but my head is a bit boggled with all the expansions

is wow classic a thing? i remember seeing something last year that there was a version of warcraft that went back to its roots
wow classic is indeed a thing and the game is just as good as it was then. the community is more toxic and unfriendly, you also will not be able to commit the time, effort and energy you did 15 years ago. It takes allot of effort to keep a questing/dungeon group around the same level if in fact you manage to find that group in the first place.
it also gets to a point where you can no longer play it on your own, or you end up skipping content.

If you are looking into it. You just need to buy a sub for "current" wow and you get access to classic. I don't think you need to purchase the most recent expansion and all the previous content is free.
I've been looking since 2006. Not found one yet and tried them all. The nearest I found was EQ2 but the game engine was terrible. So did private servers (which were hit and miss) and back to classic its not prefect but at least I know it's not going to get shutdown in 3 months.
i already have the base game but my head is a bit boggled with all the expansions

is wow classic a thing? i remember seeing something last year that there was a version of warcraft that went back to its roots

I would give ESO a try if you already have the base game. The way it works is there is two sets of additional content, DLC and Chapters.

Chapters are the big pieces of content released of which there have been 3 released and fourth upcoming and need to be brought with real currency (initially)
  • Marrowind
  • Summerset
  • Elsweyr (current latest)
  • Greymoor (upcoming)

DLC is smaller bits of content that can be brought with crowns (in game currency you buy with real money) from the in game crown store. Or better yet you can pick up ESO+ which is a monthly subscription service that gives you access to all the DLC while subscription is active along with some other perks (double bank capacity, 10% experience increase etc)

Now the final comment, upon release of a new chapter, the older ones get relegated to "DLC" status. Therefore the aforementioned bit about ESO+, both Marrowind and summerset chapters are classed as DLC when Elsweyr came out so can be brought with crowns, normal way or had as part of ESO+ while you have a subscription. Therefore easy way to access all the content would be to simple buy Elsweyr chapter upgrade and pick up ESO+ and that will give you access to everything out at the moment.
I don't think there ever will be a MMO like WoW again.

Not that there won't be MMOs, but they don't tend to have the same combat that we're used to, and not necessarily the same mechanics. Also - that was 10+ years ago at this point, ultimately if you played it back then chances are you have a lot less time now.

I've tried various MMOs since WoW but there was always something missing.

I still to this day think that Guild Wars 2 could have been a WoW beater but for a lot of people (myself included) I just couldn't get on with no tanks, healers and DPS situation. I didn't like the way that it worked in that game. Outside of that I loved the graphics style, the jumping puzzles, the maps, the F2P aspect.

Then there's FF14 - as a Final Fantasy Fan I always loved jumping into that, the music on the menu is almost enough to get me hooked. And while there are tanks, healers and DPS the combat just feels so slow, mostly because it's not as quick as WoW.

And that's where I think a lot of problems lie - there's many MMOs out there, but realistically what a lot of people are looking for is a WoW clone to some extent with updated graphics.
The only game that ever really came close was Rift, at one point it had a great end game scene but I personally always found it pretty bland by comparison. No idea what state the game is in now, or if it's even still running.
I enjoyed GW2 for quite a while, but found the lack of holy-trinity type gameplay to actually be a negative.
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