Are there any games that are optimized perfectly for pc?

9 Jan 2013
im a bit of a fps type of guy.

I get 100++ fps in battlefield 5 at 1440 but i do notice i get slight stutter or low fps from time to time. Cod looks amaziing but ive completed it (campaign).

the witcher 3 looks great but not my sort of thing... skyrim is brilliant for story telling but looks pants....fallout wont even load up for me anymore.

1 game i thought was great visualy was rage 1. now ive downloaded rage 2 and its good but abit meh.

is there anything out there that looks great and plays butter smooth @ 1440p?

oh and dx12 in starwars and battlefield is a lag fest!

i have a amd 3700x and a 2080 super so i do have a decent spec.

thanks :)
Gears of War 4 and 5 are both very well put together for PC. 5 especially runs extremely well and has a ridiculous amount of graphics options.
I'd say Destiny 2 has a pretty stellar PC version.
High framerates, HDR which actually looks great and flawless (super)ultrawide support too.
Wolfenstein series, Doom and Doom eternal, Gears of war, Forza

There's a few off the top of my head, now that I think more about it there isn't many that run butter smooth
im a bit of a fps type of guy.

I get 100++ fps in battlefield 5 at 1440 but i do notice i get slight stutter or low fps from time to time. Cod looks amaziing but ive completed it (campaign).

the witcher 3 looks great but not my sort of thing... skyrim is brilliant for story telling but looks pants....fallout wont even load up for me anymore.

1 game i thought was great visualy was rage 1. now ive downloaded rage 2 and its good but abit meh.

is there anything out there that looks great and plays butter smooth @ 1440p?

oh and dx12 in starwars and battlefield is a lag fest!

i have a amd 3700x and a 2080 super so i do have a decent spec.

thanks :)
Don't run in dx 12 it's a bit rubbish when I've tried it.
Forza horizon 4 is the most well optimised game I've played apart from Doom and the sequel.
For such a massive open world game with other people driving around it and so much deformable stuff forza it's insane.
If they replaced the cars with people and guns it would dwarf the battle royales and be amazing
You could also try Planetside 2 if you haven't already (it's free), not the most optimized game mind you lol. But there's nothing else like it if you're into shooters.
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