are we going to see one of these in every road in the country

He could get a job in the advertising business, you know where you get some chump to walk up and down advertising a new Subway or whatever with a similar billboard. Heck, he could repaint his sandwich board to have the golden arches and walk around town for a month, after that McD's might let him sell burgers.

What does he expect from a history degree?
Sorry but laughing at anyone out of work (such as I am currently) just isn't funny in my opinion. I would think that walking down the street wearing that is a lot less humiliating than the way you get treated in the job centre (where I have to go this morning - believe me they make you feel like a piece of poo)

At least he's trying which is more than can be said for those people in this country who just sit on their backsides claiming benefit.

The thing is, if you go to a job center at least you have the satisfaction of knowing you are not i a dead-end bottom paid job sitting behind the desk of the job centre. There is nothing wrong with being unemployed for a period of time.
to have applied for over a hundred jobs and not had anything he's applying for the wrong jobs, really winds me up. I have a friend like this, she says she's always applying for things but very rarely gets an interview and hasn't had a job offer in I over a year of looking, not one which she's accepted anyway. Meanwhile her husband is supporting the pair of them :/
lol exactly, the most hated man in politics.
By conservatives maybe.
He's not doing a terrible job at running the country, he's hardly fidel castro or george bush or someone.

Tbh, the guy could probably get a job as a history teacher i would have thought, thats gotta be one of the primary uses for a history degree aint it? Learn it to teach the next lot it so they can learn it and teach it to the next lot etc.
Rofl @ eggface! (yes, i almost literally rofl'd)

On topic, I doubt the guy has much of a chance with a history degree. I'm doing maths and economics from a highly-regarded uni, sent out loads of applications, only got 3 interviews, eventually nothing. Same story for my mate doing law. It's still very much an employers market atm.
I saw this guy on fleet street, tis a good effort but perhaps the wrong area - Goldmans isn't likely to be jumping for joy over a history grad from Kent University and neither are the various city law firms... (assuming also that the 100 rejections and lack of degree classification on his advertising board mean he got a 2:2)

Should have gone to bishops gate and targeted brokers..... if they can employ cockney spivs etc.. then he might have a shot...

You linked to your own search? You suck donkey pole. :)

Also, it's a way to get yourself noticed. I wouldn't like to be unemployed... though since being employed (i.e. since graduating) I've never had trouble finding work/a new job, but it's meant having to move to the other end of the country a couple of times...

someone said:
The thing is, if you go to a job center at least you have the satisfaction of knowing you are not i a dead-end bottom paid job sitting behind the desk of the job centre. There is nothing wrong with being unemployed for a period of time.

You have the satisfaction of knowing you're unemployed? I bet being a job centre minion pays quite well really... being a civil servant or whatever they're classed as.

I'd take paid work over unemployment any day. I'd get shag all benefits anyway - last time I tried I couldn't even get JSA because I had savings... or something(??)
You have the satisfaction of knowing you're unemployed? I bet being a job centre minion pays quite well really... being a civil servant or whatever they're classed as.

£20,000 PA or so. I applied for a post locally, hopefully I get an interview...
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