Just looked at our outgoings over the weekend, we're currently paying £1825 a month on debts. No mortgage, just loans and credit cards.
No interest apart from the loans, one is 3.5% and the other 4%.
The CCs have all been shuffled to 0% interest and have been for the last few years, so not costing anything extra.
Bit eye opening when we lay it out like that tbh, I've reduced the CC payments to minimum and funneled all that in to the loans to get them paid off in a couple of months, we'll then smash the cards out too.
To think that in our twenties we just went on a rampage and lived like rabid teenagers on credit cards, some of which were 40% interest!
Neither of us had parents to tell us to stop being idiots and we learned the hard way, I would actively encourage anyone to audit their debts from time to time as it could be costing you an absolute fortune. If you have kids of that age then speak to them too, our debts ruined our lives for quite a few years
I know all the tricks to getting out of debt, if you need some confidential advice feel free to PM me.