I partly resent not having chased bigger property because would've made more capital gains. Now in a position where we own our house outright but worse off than if we'd pushed the envelope a bit and/or moved up the ladder, people who earn less and are less frugal with money will be more wealthy than us due to buying more expensive properties and hence gaining more.I wonder how many people chase a bigger/more expensive house due to the expectation of capital gains.
By that I mean.. Would people be much more inclined to get what they need vs go for the maximum?
I wonder how much difference no capital gains would make
If house prices were largely static people would still want more expensive homes because it should give a nicer place to live and in theory you can always liquidate that asset in future if needed.
But you'd get less speculation and probably a reduction in B2L because it's less effective in the long term and reduces the amount they can borrow to expand their empire (i.e. harder to use gains in one property to fund the next one).
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