Are you addicted to computing?

26 Sep 2005
Tonbridge, Kent
I was thinking about posting a thread about this yesterday but then i saw this article -

This question is probably quite stupid seeing that i'm posting it on a component shops forum but still it begs the question are you addicted to using your computer?

I think i am, don't get me wrong i spend a large amount of time listening to music and watching films, the problem is i can do these things on my computer.
yes but purely as a method of communication. i have a lot of friends that i talk to online pretty much constantly.
I think I'm in a similar situation to you, however for watching films I go and watch them on TV. But I think the reason people spend a lot of time on them is because there is simply so much to do. Whereas with TV, you flick through the channels, and if you can't find anything you like, what else do you do but turn it off. But on computers, you can almost always find something fun/interesting to do. If there is nothing on the internet to do, you could always talk to friends or perhaps play a game, the possibilities are endless.

This example would best fit the evenings, perhaps of a weekday, because during the earlier hours or at weekends you can go out, meet up with friends and do other things, but going out with friends whenever you have spare time can become expensive and tiring!
Simaster14 said:
I think I'm in a similar situation to you, however for watching films I go and watch them on TV. But I think the reason people spend a lot of time on them is because there is simply so much to do. Whereas with TV, you flick through the channels, and if you can't find anything you like, what else do you do but turn it off. But on computers, you can almost always find something fun/interesting to do. If there is nothing on the internet to do, you could always talk to friends or perhaps play a game, the possibilities are endless.

This example would best fit the evenings, perhaps of a weekday, because during the earlier hours or at weekends you can go out, meet up with friends and do other things, but going out with friends whenever you have spare time can become expensive and tiring!

Yeah i go out when i can and i almost always watch DVD's up in my room. My problem is i get bored when i'm not on my computer. If i'm not out partying, life can be a little dull. Probably why i find myself longing to pwn sum noobs online.
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im pretty much always on my pc, chat to mates on it, listen to music on it, watch dvd's on it, plus my degree is based around computers, so i dont have a lot of choice, lol
With me my PC is basically a big old entertainment system with TV card, DVD and so on, aswell as something to be productive on...

Whenever I am working I just have the TV in the corner as some background noise - I probably am on the PC way too much, but I find it so useful - doesnt help that Im a gadget freak...

ps3ud0 :cool:
heh ive tried to take up some hobbies other that computing ... but hobbies that involve learning / getting good (ie painting and playing the guitar) are a bit of hard work tbh ... or i could go online and p0wn some noobs, easy to see which wins most of the time :D
I wouldn’t say addicted but it does play a big part of my life. Is it important? No, not at all. I’d live without it.

Computers have always been part of my life one way or another. I have my carer and my interests but when I retire, I never want to see one again and that includes internet, gaming programming etc. but then again, when I do, the internet/computers may be a primary way of life rather than an acceptance and therefore unavoidable.

I have other interest too which include the Gym and Motorbike which give me a refreshing break when I need them.
addicted, sorta, not like an druggie that requires drugs, but i use it daily. similar situation to DJJammaRasta, tried some other things, r/c nitro truck, etc but cant shake it, maybe i was born into doing computing :o
addicted because i rely on my pc for listening to music which im obssessed with and using emails and online shopping, ebay etc.
i try to stay away when possible though.
I'm not addicted I just find I use it for a lot of things, music, dvds, news, communication, work, etc.

When i'm not playing my guitar or spending time with friends and family I use it for pretty much all my recreational activities.
ben_j_davis said:
Thing is i would rather be on my computer than out in the fresh air, in fact i enjoy using it more than i do anything else.
A statement which leads quite nicely into the other thread you made today ;) - The jury has a verdict...

Nerd :p

ps3ud0 :cool:
The question should really be :

"Are you addicted to the internet?"

I could live without my computer, but i can very bored after a while without having the ability to log onto the internet.

I find myself more on the computer in the winter for obvious reasons, but come summer, i spend about 30mins to 1Hr each day browsing or listening to music. When its too hot to go outside, then i turn on the computer
Pretty much so Yes.

Not sure what I would do without my PC. I use my PC everyday of the week, and every minute of my spare time is spend on my yes I'm pretty much addicted, although I don't think I would have any problems giving it up, accept the boredom would drive me insane.
I think I would be able to live without the computer. The problem is that the computer promotes a lazy lifestyle - communication, entertainment and information all in one place. Without my computer I'd be forced to get out of my chair and do these things separately!
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