Are you addicted to computing?

Yes I spend too much time on the computer. But then again, it's pretty much the only thing I have in my room. I use it to listen to music, watch films, I even use it to play on my PS2 (got video-in on my graphics card). When I'm alone in my room the only thing I can do that doesn't involve the PC is play on my DS!
:( Yes.

However i hardly ever browse the internet, i have small sessions when i can be bothered to mess about on the internet.

Most of the time if im using it its for music & games (cba to watch films 95% of the time).

Chances are, if im not on my pc im on my ibook :rolleyes:.
i spend hours on end using my pc, and if i aint using my pc im using my laptop. Most of the time its for music and messenger. My family always call me a geek for using the pc so much, but i do go out with mates an have a life away from this evil device!
The thing is, spending a great deal of time on your computer is generally viewed in a negative light. It's nothing to be ashamed off, theres so much you can actually do. engage in discussion with people from all walks of life, google till your hearts content, play video games, listen to music.
No one ever questions 'noble' pursuits such as reading books. ie No one would ever say - he's addicted to reading books.
Used to virtually live on computers & video games. Did it in uni. Work in it right now. To be honest I'm getting a bit sick of it all. I'm not saying it isn't terrific fun and variety, but you do start to get tired of it.

Was away most of last year, and didn't miss it at all. I think its a good outlet when you have nothing else to do, and its defo way better than vegging in front of a tv!! Having said that, its becoming even less than a winter activity for me these days. I figure if I take up more outdoor stuff, I'll be more interested in PCs, just because I'll have less time for it.
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