Are you naturally lazy?

1 Mar 2003
Cotham, Bristol
I am, I always have been. And it's very annoying, I find a lot of the time I can't be arsed to do the most menial of tasks.

Throughout most of my schooling I would get distracted by pretty much anything, or just stare into the distance rather than do any work. Convincing myself that my bad grades were down to me being kind of dim and nothing to do with lack of hard work.

When I eventually got into university this changed quite a bit, I actually enjoyed the practical side of things, always doing something different. At the end of it I got my 2:1 and was pretty chuffed with it.

Now i'm in work I do more or less the same thing every day, I want to progress in my career by getting a new job. But I lack any kind of motivation to do the extra learning after work.

Anyway my point is, sometimes it's very annoying being lazy!
Yup i've got a 4,500 word essay to write for friday and i've not even looked at it because I browse the internet and procrastinate instead :(
No, I'm not lazy. Pretty much the opposite, in fact. I'm almost obsessively driven. I like to compete, mainly with myself. Whatever I do, I strive to do it as well as I can. It has benefits, but it isn't always comfortable. Even now that I'm sort-of retired, I still haven't let go of the reigns.

My problem at work is that I have quite a short attention span so will flit between tasks and so end up spending twice as long as I could have done if I'd just sat down and done it, and also that if I'm not under pressure I'll procrastinate until I am and then get everything done like that.

I've recognised and mitigate this though by spending the first 15 minutes of every day getting a up-to-date printout of the status of my files and working out a list of what I need to do that day, has made me much more efficient I feel and also discussing with my manager and making sure I've always got enough work to do! :)

If you can recognise your flaws you can usually find a way of working round them, sometimes it takes an outside perspective though. :)
Well the way I see it, its simply us thinking, well perhaps we don't need to do it this.... oh sod it, I can't be arsed. :o
If I didn't have the internet (mainly this place and msn) or counterstrike I would be so much better at school imo. Lazyness doesn't quite describe how bad I am sometimes :p
I find most of my time is spent considering how i am going to get out of something rather than just getting on with things. Incredibly sad when i think about it like that. I'm so weak!
Rich_L said:

My problem at work is that I have quite a short attention span so will flit between tasks and so end up spending twice as long as I could have done if I'd just sat down and done it, and also that if I'm not under pressure I'll procrastinate until I am and then get everything done like that.
That sounds uncannily like me.
And I've also learnt recently that if I write out a list of things that need doing, I do get them done.
Haly said:
That sounds uncannily like me.
And I've also learnt recently that if I write out a list of things that need doing, I do get them done.

yup same here, I actually have a mountain of work at the moment.

Which means i'm working on average an hour more than i'm supposed to a day. If I had kept a gradual pace a few weeks ago however, I wouldn't be in this situation now :mad:
panthro said:
im naturally a plonker who leaves everything till the last minute and wonders why I dont do as well as I can :p

It's the best way to be :D ;)

"could do better" appeared no less than 162 times on my school reports. FACT
Lazy isn't a nice term to use, I prefer Laid Back. ;)

But yes I am very lazy, it takes a lot to get me to do anything these days and as above I'll spend quite some time finding a way out.

Like at work at the moment, I'm not working as well as I could but I know that job isn't going anywhere and the worst that can happen is I'll get fired. But really I should be looking for a new job, while working hard to gain a good reference.

I can't help it though, I'm just naturally sleepy. Just ask my teachers they had to keep waking me up. :p

i did talk to a doc about my lack of motivation once, but he was busy and told me to book another appointment. Naturally I can't be arsed. :o
PaulStat said:
I am, I always have been. And it's very annoying, I find a lot of the time I can't be arsed to do the most menial of tasks.

Throughout most of my schooling I would get distracted by pretty much anything, or just stare into the distance rather than do any work. Convincing myself that my bad grades were down to me being kind of dim and nothing to do with lack of hard work.

When I eventually got into university this changed quite a bit, I actually enjoyed the practical side of things, always doing something different. At the end of it I got my 2:1 and was pretty chuffed with it.

Now i'm in work I do more or less the same thing every day, I want to progress in my career by getting a new job. But I lack any kind of motivation to do the extra learning after work.

Anyway my point is, sometimes it's very annoying being lazy!

take the uni bit out and thats me
I'm not so much lazy as just have a really short attention span.

That's why my posts are always short but sweet ;)

Report writing is part of my job and I'll always leave it until there's absolutely nothing else to do. :rolleyes: Then I have to plough through it in one go. Sometimes 50+ pages in 2-3 days.

I should have learned from my dissertation. I did 75% of it on the final night.
I think it may be due to my childhood being influen

ooo... shiny stuff...cya
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