ARGH!!1 Don't you hate it when....

Had an urge to start playing bass again so i dug out the stigray, still stringless from the thorough cleaning i gave it before last putting it away. Couldnt find the pack of strings i bought last week. Turns out my other hlaf thought they were used and threw the pack out. £25 down the drain and cant play until payday :( .
Naffa, the shame . . . :(

Now that Taylor belongs to a good home, msn me for address :)

Yes Naffa, my guitar gets special treatment . . I usually let her sit on the recliner whilst I sit on the floor.



Sometimes I have to sleep just outside my bedroom door so I don't wake her up during the night.


She sleeps in the king size, I don't want her to hear me talking in my sleep. I'd get too embarrassed.

PS She has a Fishman Rare Earth on the sound hole now. ;)

I have my Taylor back, and Gabs (girlfriend) is here.. Does life get much better. :cool:
dont worry, I leave bits of my drum kit around all the time.
I drive, the band gets drunk, I get them to help me, I ask if they have cleared a room, they say yes, I believe them.

then i get home or to practice in *** coming week and find that I have left something 50miles away...and have to go and get it :)

portsmouth is the best place so far, drum rugs, drum stools.
gives me and excuse for some fish and chips on the coast though :)
Best to look after the drums yourself :p . The drummer in my last band left his kit at the guitarists house over night, the guitarists little brother came home drunk out of his tiny mind and urinated all over the kit :eek: .
Ampeg said:
Best to look after the drums yourself :p . The drummer in my last band left his kit at the guitarists house over night, the guitarists little brother came home drunk out of his tiny mind and urinated all over the kit :eek: .

lol, that would do wonders for the skins lol.

i would hate that to happen to my kit...with it being electronic and all..... :p
ARGH!!1 Don't you hate it when....

You lend equipment to another band and they leave it at the pub they played at.
This has happened 3 different times with me with a bass, a guitar and speakers.
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