Argh! Release the new iMacs already!

1 Apr 2003
Anyone else waiting on the new iMacs?

Been waiting patiently for a few months now, money waiting. Was near enough adament that they would be announced alongside updated Mac Mini at Macworld in January but nothing!

I'm tempted to cave in and get one of the current range as they will still cater for my needs but I know I will kick myself when the updates come probably a week later.

When is the next Mac event where a keynote could be delivered? I reckon they could be released alongside snow leopard, my original plan was to wait until I could buy a new iMac with snow leopard and iLife 09 preinstalled anyway but impatience is crippling me!
I understand your pain! If it was me though I would wait until they are announced, as you say you will kick yourself and it sounds like you've waited this long ...
There will definately be something before June, perhaps another online keynote. Snow leopard has a Q1 09 release date for a start. I thought I remember reading that there was some sort of an event in March?
Yep same problem here

Got the money in a seperate account (otherwise I'll get impatient and spend it on something else) waiting to buy as soon as they are released

Strong rumours for the end of this month though if you read all the sites :)
If you need a new iMac, why not buy one now? When the new ones come out, there will be talk of a refresh only 8 months or so afterwards, for the coming year. Are you going to hold out till then, too?
If you need a new iMac, why not buy one now? When the new ones come out, there will be talk of a refresh only 8 months or so afterwards, for the coming year. Are you going to hold out till then, too?

This is a good rule of thumb. If you need a Mac, buy a Mac. I really doubt the new iMac will be radically different (probably a spec bump and it will borrow the Unibody concept so will be a little thinner)
Of course not, I may as well wait a couple months though a spend a grand on something that will be current for the longest time frame possible.
Of course not, I may as well wait a couple months though a spend a grand on something that will be current for the longest time frame possible.

The trouble is Apple don't have a public product refresh cycle so you could be waiting a long time for a new iMac model - just like those waiting for the new Mac Mini! :D
I thought the new iMac can't be far away. Stock levels are dropping all over the place and don't seem to be restocking. Surely Apples not winding things down now in time for June? Seems a bit premature :o
If my sources are correct, we'll see it within the next month :cool:

It'll be released on a Tuesday, if that's any consolation
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I went through the same wait last year when the next release was always 'just around the corner'. I ended up having to wait about 6 months! I was just glad that then the new releases were worth the wait.
Rumour is that they will put quad cores in the iMac. Anway, what competition? A Dell XPS One? Bleh! :P :D

Oh i agree entirely, you get what you pay for in my opinion with macs, but to joe public, dell probably is the alternative. Hopefully quad imacs will blolw them out of the water come march :cool:
Oh i agree entirely, you get what you pay for in my opinion with macs, but to joe public, dell probably is the alternative. Hopefully quad imacs will blolw them out of the water come march :cool:
Blow what out of the water? The rest of the grandma-all-in-one market? ;)
I will personally guarantee you that the Apple IMac in 3 years time is better than the IMac on sale now, does this help your buying decision?

As ever the new Apple kit will be X% better than the models they replace. If they do introduce Quad core IMacs as speculated in Q2/09 I don't doubt that X will be advertised as 100%. Of course back in the real world unless you are running a virus scan, ripping CDs, encoding some Video & zipping some files all at once you are not likely to see this 100% performance increase. So if you want an IMac buy one now!!! Doesn't mean their claims aren't true, doesn't mean I don't want one :)
Likewise what I am really waiting for is the MacPro update (Q3/09?) with Dual i7 processors. Do I need it? Of course not!! Do I want it, you bet!!!!
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