I will personally guarantee you that the Apple IMac in 3 years time is better than the IMac on sale now, does this help your buying decision?
As ever the new Apple kit will be X% better than the models they replace. If they do introduce Quad core IMacs as speculated in Q2/09 I don't doubt that X will be advertised as 100%. Of course back in the real world unless you are running a virus scan, ripping CDs, encoding some Video & zipping some files all at once you are not likely to see this 100% performance increase. So if you want an IMac buy one now!!! Doesn't mean their claims aren't true, doesn't mean I don't want one![]()
I got mine in October when the new iMacs were just 'weeks' away from refresh. But that was after some time of holding off. They still haven't appeared but I have had months of a good home desktop.
Sure a better one will come out sometime soon, but that doesn't make my purchase any less great. For what I do one it I cannot stress it significantly anyway.
I think it is the Apple way of things to be teased by the next version, upsold some time in advance without any tangible benefit. I'm not above that, nor are any of my fellow Apple colleagues at work.
For example I'm waiting on the next iPhone before I consider buying it... yet I know many people happy with their iProduct now and live without copy/paste and mms etc.
I think it is the nature of the beast. Or should that be iBeast?