Argos Catalogues - Blast from the Past

Really lol, I will find anything online quicker than you will find it in catalogue...


With a catalog one can flick through the pictures in an instant, if you miss a page, you can flick back again.

To find things in on-line catalogs, you need to know the correct words to put into the search box. if you know what you want but do not know exactly what the retailer calls it, then you are in for a long search.

Sure, you can find things by going through the various menus, but it takes a lot longer than flicking through a catalog.

I accept that both web searching and catalog searching are skills and that what you are used to and are good at is relevant here.

It is also the case that I am dyslexic and am therefore far more visual than verbal in terms of how I think. This might also be relevant here.
If you are looking for something in catalogue then you must know the name of what you are looking for, so just type the name in Google, then Google takes 0.5secs to find the results.... Much quicker than going through a catalogue
Argos website is a mess and it takes you a few attempts at searching to actually find what you are looking for. Then when you have found the item it doesn't give you any links back to the category it's in. I agree that flicking through the paper catalogue is so much easier.

I also remember getting the new catalogues on release day back in my youth. :D
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