Arguments at the Christmas dinner table!

You're wrong.
indeed. 46 years on this planet and i've always believed that to be an acronym the letters actually had to be pronounced as a word rather than just saying the letters. were he still alive i think i'd be having a few choice words with my GCSE English teacher :p
Let's say I create the acronym "PAL" for the Philosophical Arguments Lobby in our building.
More importantly, how do you pronounce their messaging system? It's the Philosophical Arguments Lobby Internal Communications Exchange
English is not consistent with the way words are pronounced, probably due to all the external influences and etymology of individual words.

Giraffe, genome, gesture, etc, etc, etc. All soft g sounds. Countless others.

So why is there only one possibility for "gif" ?

As I said before (and you quoted):

[..] That's how English works - slopped together over time by common usage. It doesn't even vary by dialect - 'gif' is a hard 'g' in any English dialect. [..]

You're free to argue that everyone is wrong and GIF should be pronounced the same as Jif, the brand of peanut butter. Which was what the inventor of the format intended - he named the format after the brand of peanut butter but spelled it incorrectly to avoid copyright issues. But English doesn't work by an individual's decree.
Just thought of this reading the above thread
Reverend Lovejoy: Ned, Maude, what brings you here?
Ned: Well... sometimes God bless her, she underlines passages in my bible because she can't find hers!
Homer: Oh, lucky you don't keep guns in the house.
If he wanted it said a certain way he should have included a pronunciation guide with it. Once you have a product that has been adopted worldwide, the correct pronunciation is the one used by the majority of people, which is hard G Gif. He's Canute trying to stop the tide.

Precisely this.

One can say "it was originally pronounced Jif", but now it's "Gif". I have never heard anyone say "Jif".
Yeah I say meme like you do, to rhyme with team.

I know one guy though who pronounces it as "mem", like in memory. WTAF...!
I didn't know how it was pronounced for years, because it wasn't really used until I was an adult and it isn't the sort of word that gets used in spoken adult conversation, it's almost exclusively read on the internet.
this.... you can't change the sound of a letter after thousands of years.....

it's GIF like GIFT without the T...

JPEG as in J-Peg..... anything else is just wrong

Some (idiots) pronounce J as “Jai” rather than “Jay”. It makes the abc song sound utterly ridiculous but they are, as mentioned, idiots.
That’s def a Glasgow thing, there was a guy with the initials JT at a place I worked near Glasgow, everyone called him Jai Tee, even though I say jay I had to call him Jai Tee :p
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