ARHHH MY Barracuda 7200.10 WON'T WORK ON MY MOBO

2 Feb 2006
ARHHH MY Barracuda 7200.10 WON'T WORK ON MY MOBO.
I have just brought 2X7200.1O hard drives and thay will not work on my mobo a ASROCK 775Twins-HDTV. I plug them both in and a message appears saying that it only surports SATA1. I have tried it with the jumpers on so to limit the hard drives to 1.5 GB and OFF 3.0GB but both will not work. Has any body had this problem? :(
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Phemo said:
The caps make that pretty awkward to read by the way - you might find some people will just ignore it because it's all-caps.

Anyway, have you updated your motherboard BIOS to the latest version?
I've just edited my posting and took the caps of thanks. Have not updated bios yet.
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