Arma 3: Exile

17 Jun 2009
This doesn’t have its own dedicated thread so thought I’d stick (New) one up. :P

It has made some MASSIVE steps forward and continues to add and add content all the time!

Sure Most of you have seen Frankie1080p videos, they’re good but all of them are completely staged. But the game play its self is not far from the final product.

There are two notable differences tho. Some servers have zombies, others don’t. Coming from a background of vanilla Dayz, I would like to play a zombie survival game, however the Z’d in general don’t really add fear, just annoyance when doing PvP. Eventually down the line, if the Z’d are more prone to Hoards, random spawns and generally more how do you say “intelligent” then I’d be tempted. But that’s for a different time…

What is Exile:

The Arma 3 mod, Exile, is an interesting venture into the survival genre. Featuring resource gathering, missions, and base building, there's a lot to do in Exile. There are lots of servers to choose from, and many will feature different maps and additional mods for those who get tired of the basics.

Just take a look at So much to do

* Construction & Territories
* Clans and Family
* Crafting
* Events, Missions Ai’s
* Looting PvP & Stats
* Weather/Times
* Different maps

Base Building:

Base Raiding:

Its hard to pin point the game play, because its all different... You can be simply doing a loot run and come across some with a top end vehicle and throw everything you've got at it.... Or you could be attacking a base going for a mission
(Skip to 6.30min, bit boring to start with.)

Or if you want old school Dayz/exile:

Put in a few hundred hours on Exile Tanoa since it was released, love it, mostly play on EXO servers.

EDIT: What was wrong with your old thread -

Problem with that thread it goes on about Dayz Exile, which is imo a completely different entity. Nice fresh new thread is needed, considering its been developed so much.

We played on EXO when the servers first came out, I was first to post on their forums I think haha. Could see they were going to explode. Problem I find now is the server is beyond hard. Don't get me wrong I don't want a Exile: Bambi island adventure, but I'm not keen on the fact you need to travel back and fore to deposit cash. Also.... Not naming any names Cough* Jimlad haha, he said and I quote, "Missions in the day, PvP in the evening"... So it got blinking annoying doing a mission for JimLad and his crew to run us over when we completed every mission... SCREW JIMLAD haha.

I mainly play on the GOAT server, its got Ni Arms, CUP weapons and CUP terrain (I think).... Really good in fairness.

Do i need to buy Apex for this?

To play on Tanoa yes, if not no you're ok. :D.

I'm happy to put money in to Bohemia as they're one of few gaming companies who allow the community to mod the game to suit needs, instead of milking the game (EA/CoD).
What server you playing on ? Messaged you via trust, no reply as yet.


Replied today mate!

"NEW DAYZ - Dayz Arma 3 Exile mod (How standalone should have been) ". Completely different game now.

I don't see the problem considering the thread is a year old and the mod is now completely different. Better to have a more streamlined more relevant thread
The EXO servers were good for a while, but then the shift to physical cash...their Chernarus server is now dead. Lots of players, but no where near the interaction there used to be, I'm assuming due to the other server(s) being created?

I left EXO servers because the community decided to vote that safe zones wouldn't have lockers (aka you couldn't store money in the bank).... So basically you had to run to sell your stuff at a trader zones, then go and find a a random banks (lockers) in barns, which scream out for campers and just overall adds a nuisance for the casual gamers. Great for the hardcore long standing players, but new player progression is all but impossible.

I prefer physical cash as it makes it more worth while killing someone, but not having to cart stuff earned to be sold then cart the money else where!

I only play on the GOAT servers, they're pretty god damn good to be honest!
Been considering getting this as I've been playing Battle Royale mod for Arma 3 which is fun, albeit very hard (would be like a noob jumping into CS now!)

Although Frankies videos are generally scripted, there are situations that are completely random. I quite like watching Sadaplays on Twitch, I know he's not the best Exile player but he does seem to play with a solid team which does make for good viewing.

I'll wait for Steam sale to see about this.

Slightly off topic but has anyone been following development of Player Unknown's Battle Grounds? He's the mod behind Battle Royale for Arma 2 and 3 and H1Z1. Although it’s a last man standing style game I have no doubt there will be an Exile style mod out for it. The promising thing is it’s based on the Unreal 4 engine and although no game will ever be perfect, it’s got to be better than having a game when the developer of Arma 3 has said it refuses to resolve the tall grass sink hit box issue - Bohemia seems to think it’s ok to have a ‘real war shooter’ with a bug that stops people from accurately shooting! Also it won’t have the same types of issues that has plagued DayZ standalone so for me this is really promising stuff.

If you even fancy it, I'm trying to build up a few guys to game with on Exile. Got a few but their work pattern is all over the shop and I work mon to fri so usually on my own!

As for the second point, no I've not seen what unknown has been doing... Will take a look. I'm gonna get shot in the face for this, but I enjoyed WARz for its simplicity.... Will keep an eye out.
Just in case anyone else is put off by having to play around with game files to get mods like Exile - use A3 launcher, which just auto downloads the mods needed to play on the server you want to use. It's especially useful if you play on a range of servers, alll of which often have slightly different mods involved.

Absolutely, I find too that even jumping between servers is straight forward!

Only one problem I have had with a3 launcher is when a new version of exile comes out, which is ususally sorted in a night!

What server do you play on mate?
Got accused of trader camping last night.... Mate and I decided to buy a iffrit mounted 50cal, we did a mission got a truck.... I headed on to wait at a junction. Next thing my mate shouted there's a hunter coming, managed to jump in the turret, aimed down site, sure enough they casually came around the corner in to the ambush.... Quickly managed to take all 3 people out without damaging any of the car.... Checked inside they had been planning a massive base raid. We made off with the hunter and all the C4 kits inside!

We think we know who's base it was, so for Karma we'll be heading up Wednesday to destroy and steal their flag mwahahaha.

We saw the guy half hour later and the amount of abuse we got meant they were beyond ****** off. HAHA

Love this game!
thats one great thing about these kind of mods and playing with friends.when you pull off great base raids or battles with regular groups on servers can be epic fun. :p

Indeed, my best ever gaming experiences have been on Arma with mates.... Pulling off some amazing team work and kill squad stuff.

Nothing will ever compare.

None at the moment. I'll be giving Exile a try again soon, I was just having huge Arma 3 stability issues recently and couldn't be faffed to sort them out (I was at the end of my tether with the Apex missions anyway).

The issues appear to have self resolved, so I'll be back on soon.

If you do, give me a shout... Need a few more guys to gaming with.

As for the performance issues, I had the same.... Best thing I ever did was find a full and modern arma 3 settings video/tutorial, followed it step by step and have doubled my FPS with an amazing refresh rate!
Guys would you recommend buying Arma 2 to see if i like that style of game before i get Arma 3? Arma 2 will only cost a few quid and i can try out some of the mods and see what i think, i just dont wanna spend £30 and find i dont like that style of game but i dont know if Arma 2 would be a good albeit lower graphical representation of Arma 3 or infact nothing like it and i would be wasting my money on 2.

I suppose so yes, Look to play Epoch or something along those lines. You'll ideally need to find a group to play with tho, its impossible to get anything done by yourself.... However by solo'ing you'll learn faster!

Tho, expect to spend hours gathering and running to be one banged in the middle of nowhere!
Really??? Wow I'll take a look, that's a lot of praise given just how popular that mod still actually is. Any recommendations regarding servers to join? CCG will undoubtedly be popular but I could never get on when the mod first fm came out as there was only 2 or 3 active servers

EXO servers are the best around. However they also have the best and most active clans on there. I'm not a fan.... I dont get to play that much so the server is too hard for me.

I'm currently playing on GOAT server 1, really decent.

Or there's our own MGT servers, they too are in the top 10 around.
Is it just me or do AI in Arma see through grass? Im constantly finding my self with my squad prone in some grass been shot at by enemies that i cant see through the grass but all the AI can see me and each other. I've even tried staying third person but it as soon as i aim to shoot the enemies i lose sight of them because of the grass.

I normally end up just having to let my squad bait them while i flank around and shoot them all in the back. I dont feel thats how its meant to be done though as the squad leader is giving me instructions as though im supposed to be sticking with him, how do you guys handle this when your playing single player? I imagine in multiplayer everyone just turns all the details right down so they can see each other easier but i dont wanna do that in single player if theres a way around it.

Yup... so so so annoying. I've not played single player. However the missions are very similar in Exile.

Are you using SD attachments? If not and its a frontal attack, then the whole point is to either quickly eliminate or create diversion tactics.
Really??? Wow I'll take a look, that's a lot of praise given just how popular that mod still actually is. Any recommendations regarding servers to join? CCG will undoubtedly be popular but I could never get on when the mod first fm came out as there was only 2 or 3 active servers

This video was 4 months ago, shows how much the raids can be. Siince then the cinder has been added meaning you need a real detail plan and materials to successfully pull off a raid:

Gutted, the server we use has unexpectedly gone offline and doesn't look to be coming back up! Its a shame because we completed our first raid and despite being carpet bombed by a big bird and being sniped from everywhere, we got in, stole the flag, stole 2 Chinooks, 6 safe contents and made off with 400k..... Was still great fun!


We've now moved to Cherno on the MGT server. They're running the A2OP, which is basically a ground up rebuild of Chernarus. Changes are:

* Practically all buildings now enterable
* New buildings everywhere
* Glass windows are no longer bullet proof
* Windows now smash
* Grass isn't bullet proof

To name a few. For some reason my FPS on there is absolutely amazing!
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I might give that server a try , to much Tanoa has me burned out i run with a few other guys so could team up for some base raiding once we get settled if your up for it.

What gfx settings do you find the best for fps ?

Yeah defo up for it bro! Give me a shout on there!

Its not so much the GFX settings, its the actual config file settings you need to change.

I would honestly, set aside 15 mins and follow this:

I run a 480 flashed to 8gb and a i5 oc to 4.2, I get 50+ frames solid on very high/ultra settings. The refresh rate made a massive difference for me
Nice , thanks for the link i will take a look later .

I run a R9 Fury 4gb and an i5 oc to 4.2 and get around 50 fps but its not solid i see drops that may just be server related . i have freesync between 35/90 fps so when my fps drops below 35 its a little annoying but i will check setting and see how i get on .

Getting back to Exile i have not been on there website for awhile do you know what there plans are with updates for the mod is there any happening soon or are they pretty much done with it for now ?

They're still going ahead with up dates.... To be honest, the recent update imo has made the game the best it can be, it will only ever have new content added. It really is amazing.

As for the road map, they've opened it up to community and allowing others modders to use the code.

For example, there's currently a support mod called Exile: Life in the making, which will add no end of possibilities!

This mod imo is the future for Arma.

As for your PC, once you follow that video and try MGT you'll be gobsmacked!
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