Arms spending hits record high

I wonder how many UK soldiers have been killed by arms supplied by the UK?


Lots, and we are one of the biggest suppliers of leg-irons and 'torture' cuffs in the world. The folks a Guantanamo Bay and British forces captured and tortured during the first Gulf War had the pleasure seeing 'Made in England' stamped on their manacles and know that their captors were at least using quality products.
nero120 said:
Where are these goddamned ****hole countries getting the money from to pay for these weapons?

A lot of them don't; they default on the payment and the ECGD (that's our taxes) pays. The ECGD doesn't just back arms sales, but many overseas projects involving British companies.

Should also point out that in around 2002 BAe Systems were caught pumping money into the Jersey bank accounts of members of the Qatar Foreign Ministry. I say caught, but at the time it wasn't illegal in the UK for UK companies to bribe foreign officials. It is now.
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Col Nathan Jessop said:
Son, we live in a world that has walls. And those walls have to be guarded by men with guns.
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