Army of the Dead

Was thinking the same thing. Always hoped Zach would make a follow up to DotD.
If it's half as good as the opening sequence of his version of DotDb then I'll be happy. The foreboding and the flatvout the terror of the little girl's attack and the immediate aftermath just get me every time. Even the extras were excellent.
I still remember taking my wife to the cinema to watch it. She's not a huge horror movie fan. We walked out and she gave her review of the film in the form of a hard punch in my arm and a scalding glare. Clear to say, she'd been a little scared but the chainsaw really tipped her over the edge.
i did like the non-stop assault but they played w/ the zombies' actions to make it work, which was necessary for the way they filmed it, but jarred a bit for me. other than that, it's a cracking film, far better than anything Romero did after the film of the same name.
New Trailer -

As mentioned in the comments section, it's almost like a Snyder version of a Suicide Squad type film :D
This looks great! Deffo a day one watch for me.

Batista gets some decent roles. I always thought he was just another jokey wrestler become terrible actor guy, like Cena.
I see what they did there. Trailer 1 was just like 'oh zombies' now it's like 'ohhhhh clever zombies!!!111one' :p
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